Dit zijn alle films en series die Alex heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 696 / 696
Brimming with powerful emotions, both expressed and repressed. Recensie
Iron Man meets Inception, only dreams are replaced here with the multiverse. Recensie
The acting performances and fascinating real-world source material keeps the film from becoming rote. Recensie
Falls victim to tired plot twists and a third act that not only lacks a pulse but is already suffering from rigor mortis. Recensie
Not only a magnificent horror film; it is a magnificent film. Recensie
More indulgent than it is intelligent, sacrificing any semblance of nuance for humorous and gory deaths. Recensie
Superior craft, acting performances that aid the overall narrative work, and adequate atmosphere mark this film as a success. Recensie
Overall Guest’s latest is a less cohesive attempt than his best. Recensie
Executed with verbal fury and passion, the film delights as a quirky political piece... Recensie
Intense, at times powerful. It is also over-dramatized in scripting, soundtrack, visual composition, and acting. Recensie
A stellar cast, adequate pacing, and a strong sense of visual direction keeps the movie from becoming second rate... Recensie
When the film stops taking itself too seriously there is pleasure to be gained from light quips and rote action sequences. Recensie
An inspired fantasy rendition with enough energy and stylistic integrity to reassert Burton’s reputation as an auteur. Recensie
Ends with neither resolution nor incentive for resonance once the lights comes up. Recensie
An uninspired narrative grinds the close-quarters action to a halt... Recensie
Does little to improve on or further the story or the genre in the minds of moviegoers. Recensie
Lacks the tonal control and narrative urgency to warrant its lengthy runtime... Recensie
It lacks both the originality and cinematic kinship to its predecessor to be culturally relevant or anything but genre standardism. Recensie
Another love-triangle thriller that won’t survive in the memories of viewers beyond the end of the month. Recensie
Lacks originality, suspense, and energy. Recensie
It might not age gracefully, but that just adds to its cult status. Recensie
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