Dit zijn alle films en series die Richard heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineMuseFilms.
Aantal filmrecensies: 352 / 352
A gripping film with forceful storytelling about a remarkable war hero. Recensie
Fills a gap in public awareness about this catastrophic event and that is an achievement. Recensie
A wonderful, magical and intriguing world of fantasy... Recensie
With broad brush-strokes that linger on funny details while it sweeps an era of history into a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining story. Recensie
Roller-coasts from innocence to the melancholy of lost opportunity and bemused wonder over what life really means…just like all Woody Allen films. Recensie
A heart-warming and tightly scripted two-hander with everything anchored by excellent acting performances... Recensie
An important, enjoyable and engaging documentary. Recensie
A well-made and engaging film that presents Snowden as a principled romantic and modest hero. Recensie
A messy confusion of juvenile slapstick sketches. Recensie
It is hard to think of any other contemporary film that can fill this space with such virtuoso acting, filming and directing. Recensie
Works because it has the twin propulsion of being both personality-driven and plot-driven, liberally splashed with grown-up gags and plot twists. Recensie
Had my attention right up to its formulaic ending. Recensie
A thoroughly engaging and enjoyable fable about conformity and difference. Recensie
McConaughey has a commanding if not convincing presence... Recensie
A well-produced documentary, especially for a novice filmmaker. Recensie
Camara and Darin are superb in their roles... Recensie
Disturbingly provocative rather than enjoyable, it is an interesting film with a heavy-handed message. Recensie
Deserves praise for going in to bat for the most honourable profession on the planet. Recensie
A film that appears to have lost sight of its own purpose. Recensie
An unsettling film but one that stays on message about the greed that preys on homes. Recensie
Records with warmth and sensitivity the views of women who reflect the diversity of the female form, and it is impossible to not be touched by their stories. Recensie
The plotline of the film is implausible and often incoherent, but that’s irrelevant for Ab Fab. Recensie
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