Dit zijn alle films en series die Eric heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: The Movie Waffler.
Aantal filmrecensies: 2313 / 2313
There are blackly comic moments in the relationship that develops between Rose and Celie, a decidedly odd couple who bicker over trifling matters like whose turn it is to wash the dishes, all while in the process of history's greatest scientific breakthrough. Recensie
Those seeking a classic American character drama need not worry about Payne pulling the football away at the last moment. Recensie
For all its melancholy insight, The Civil Dead is never as blackly comic as it believes itself to be. There are several setups that have great potential for Larry David-esque comedy but they fall flat. Recensie
Once The Marsh King's Daughter transitions from character study to survival thriller it gets lost in the woods. Recensie
If you're allergic to bohemians you'll need a strong antihistamine to get through Showing Up, writer/director Kelly Reichardt's fourth collaboration with actress Michelle Williams. Recensie
Just as her character is left alone in an unreliable world, Comer is left to cradle a film that would be largely unremarkable without her presence. Recensie
Despite its lurid title and plenty of shocking red Kensington gore on display, Horrors of the Black Museum is a rather pedestrian thriller with little of the distinctive charm of British horrors of the era. Recensie
If you're expecting the action equivalent of Tony Todd's Candyman, with Statham unleashing bees against his foes, you'll be stung by the movie's failure to deliver on this potential. More b-action than bee action then. Recensie
The movie is conversely also quite ahead of its time in some aspects, none more so than the kinkiness of Nyah's outfit, which looks like the version of Darth Vader you might find in a porn parody. Recensie
Some Other Woman is a gaslighting thriller of sorts, but it's one in which the protagonist has gaslit herself into believing all is well in her marriage. Recensie
For all the lavish excess of its cinematography, score, production and costume design, Poor Things is anchored by a remarkable lead turn from Stone. Recensie
There are a few clever comic touches that suggest Englert has a devillish sense of humour. It's a shame then that she didn't go for all-out comedy with her debut, as whenever Bad Behaviour decides to take itself seriously it's thoroughly unconvincing. Recensie
He Went That Way occasionally hints at a more interesting film, one that uses the relationship between its protagonists to examine the cultural shifts occurring in America in the mid-60s. Recensie
The attempts at creating suspenseful sequences become monotonous as McGuire continually riffs on the same theme, that old Cat People shtick of a swimmer seeing sinister shapes above the water line. Recensie
The production was unable to acquire the rights to use any of Elvis's music, and it works in the movie's favour. Recensie
For long stretches of American Star it's easy to forget it's a thriller. It has the laid back, avuncular appeal of recent Clint Eastwood movies. Recensie
Very much a 1969 time capsule in both its ideas and aesthetics, The Frightened Woman can be viewed as an early attempt to wrestle with changing gender norms. Or as an excuse to watch Dagmar Lassander prance around in bandages. Recensie
If you're new to folk-horror, Lord of Misrule might provoke some further exploration of the sub-genre. But for those of us familiar with folk-horror's unique delights, Bell's film is a dull attempt to ride its coattails without understanding the cloth it's cut from. Recensie
The ideas Blank brings up are more interesting to ponder than to actually watch play out on screen however. Recensie
The Settlers treads a Conradian path as its protagonists venture toward a beating heart of darkness. Recensie
As you would expect from a Michael Mann movie, Ferrari at least looks good. But you can't polish a turd. If it works better it looks better. The reverse is rarely true. Recensie
Godzilla Minus One is a proper spectacle, the sort of movie that makes you feel like an ant as you stare up at the screen. Spectacle is nothing without heart though, and Godzilla Minus One throbs with humanity. Recensie
What's most disappointing about Silent Night is that its silent conceit is no more than a gimmick that often takes us out of the movie. Recensie
If you want to see an affable drama about brotherly bonding on the high seas, you're covered by about half of Finestkind's runtime. But be prepared to slog through a crime thriller that's no more engaging than any of the many straight to VOD efforts that can be found lurking in the depths of a streaming service. Recensie
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