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Aantal filmrecensies: 2313 / 2313
The movie is absolutely terrifying. Never have camera movement, framing, lighting and editing been combined in such a chilling manner. Recensie
Scott's powerhouse performance is so compelling and energised that you won't have time to question what you're watching in the moment. Recensie
When Woman of the Hour gets away from the bright lights of the Dating Game studio it really comes alive. Recensie
The Apprentice sometimes struggles with its difficult task of finding the "real" Donald Trump when at this point Trump probably doesn't even know himself, but Stan and Strong keep us compelled by finding the human hearts of these monsters. Recensie
I even like the fact that The Crime is Mine didn't tickle my particular fancy (which, I think, is what this bubbly number sets out to do), because it proves his idiosyncrasy: great artists should always be divisive. Alas, The Crime is Mine wasn't for me, but maybe it will be for you. Recensie
Ghost Game isn't one of the year's worst horror movies, but considering the talent previously displayed by its director and the potential of its premise, it's certainly one of the most disappointing. Recensie
Some bleak comedy is mined from said teens trying to figure out if the world is really collapsing or they're simply having a very bad trip, but for the most part MadS plays out its apocalyptic drama with a straight face, and with violence that recalls the New French Extremity movement that peaked two decades ago. Recensie
For all its many flaws, there is some fun to be had here. As a Salem's Lot adaptation it's a stinker, but as a throwback to '70s and '80s horror, it provides some entertainment for genre fans who will recognise its nods to the likes of John Carpenter's The Fog, Gary Sherman's Dead & Buried and Lucio Fulci's Gates of Hell trilogy. Recensie
It's the central performance of Brown that really makes Daddy's Head work. The Scottish actress bears an uncanny resemblance to Isabelle Adjani, possessing the same big expressive blue eyes, which work overtime here to convey Laura's increasingly troubled and paranoid state of mind. Recensie
There's enough here to superficially appease an audience thirsty for sweaty SouthWest road thrillers, but Blood Star pales in comparison to its predecessors like The Hitcher, Duel and Breakdown. Recensie
Along with tackling society's obsession with looks, A Different Man raises other interesting questions. Recensie
While it may cloud the ambiguous nature of the story, Wenham's addition is also the film's greatest asset. Recensie
Jarvi and cinematographer Alexander Lakin take advantage of their location's neon, candy coloured funfair aesthetic, and it's a refreshing change from the grimy, squint inducing visuals of many of today's indie horrors. Recensie
This is a movie Phillips actually wanted to make, so why does it play like it's made by someone who has no interest in either a Joker sequel or a musical? Recensie
What keeps us engaged is the strength of Fox and Sklaroff's performances, which greatly help to make the fantastical scenario feel grounded. Recensie
Frankie Freako isn't quite as smart in its humour as Kostanski's previous love letter to '80s straight to video fare, but there's an admirable innocence here that makes the movie genuinely resemble something you might have rented as a 13-year-old in 1987. Recensie
Some of the segments here play like half-formed ideas that might have benefitted from more time in development, which suggest the series may be hampering itself with its current annual schedule. Recensie
Megalopolis is the sort of overstuffed, incessantly busy narrative that almost always results in epic failure. Recensie
Like the best rom-coms, it's as romantic as it is funny, but there's a depth to Park's film's that makes it stand out from the typical entry in this genre. Recensie
While it may not be visually compelling where its action is concerned, Azrael is often beautiful to look at thanks to some ingenious cinematography from Mart Taniel. Recensie
The three actresses all bring something different to the table, playing to their individual strengths while expanding their range. Recensie
It's at this point that The Substance hits a narrative dead end as after setting up such an intriguing scenario, Fargeat fails to follow through in compelling fashion. Recensie
By giving us such an abrasive protagonist and humanising its antagonists, Last Straw dares to see how we react. But for all her flaws, we're ultimately on the side of Nancy, hoping she survives the night and emerges into the dawn a better person for her ordeal. Recensie
We now have two versions of this story, neither of which are perfect but which both have their own strengths and weaknesses. If you want a smart social satire you can watch the original and if you prefer a straight ahead psychological thriller you can opt for this remake. Recensie
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