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Aantal filmrecensies: 2313 / 2313
As a director, Angelina Jolie displays an eye for a set-piece, with an opening aerial battle that makes you wonder if the Force Awakens producers should have hired her instead of JJ Abrams, but her flair for the dramatic is at times counter-productive to her story-telling. Recensie
Watching him speak about his craft for 100 minutes here certainly had me convinced that there was nobody better to adapt William Peter Blatty's book into the beloved film that continues to resonate almost 50 years after its debut. Recensie
Subtlety is becoming a lost art in American cinema, even in indies, so it's refreshing to find yourself manipulated by a puppeteer with no visible strings on display. If Miller has a weakness, it's his inability to create an interesting female character, but don't let that stop you seeking out this frosty chiller. Foxcatcher is an old school character drama of the best kind. Recensie
Thankfully, the confused political message doesn't slow down what is an enjoyable, old school genre piece, elevated by a fantastically assembled cast of international character actors. Recensie
Like the films of Sofia Coppola, this is a portrait of average American teens drawn by a filmmaker who had a far from average upbringing. The kids are alright Jason, leave them be. Recensie
The fantastic location could be straight out of a movie starring Peter Cushing or Christopher Lee, but the film's noisy approach owes more to the crash bang wallop films of James Wan than the brooding gothic classics of James Carreras, polluted by poorly telegraphed cheap jump scares and sub Elm Street dream imagery. Recensie
If you want to learn about James Brown, buy one of his records. You'll get the man straight away. Despite its 2.5 hour running time, Get on Up provides little insight. Recensie
No Good Deed boasts a clever late plot twist and more interracial interactions than 10 average Hollywood movies, even if those interactions usually involve a neck snapping, but there's nothing here you haven't seen before. You just won't have seen it on a cinema screen lately. Recensie
Nawapol's previous movie ran for little more than an hour, and had he shown similar restraint here, we'd be hailing this as one of the most enjoyable films of 2014. As it stands, it's a fan edit waiting to happen. Recensie
If you're willing to throw yourself into Ceylan's hands for the extended running time, you might emerge mentally drained, but you'll have spent the time in the company of some of 2014's most intriguing and well drawn characters. Recensie
Wood is an actor who seems only capable of two emotions, distraught and confused, but this is a case of a stopped clock telling the right time twice a day, as that's enough to get him through his portrayal of the uptight Brinnin. He's playing Bud Abbott to Jones's Lou Costello, and the latter gives a breakout performance, portraying Thomas like the bastard son of John Belushi and Anthony Hopkins. Recensie
Taken on their own terms, two of the three stories work just fine, the New York strand being the one that feels the weakest. Thanks to the chemistry between Neeson and Wilde, and Brody and Atias, the other two stories maintain our attention just fine. Recensie
There are interesting ideas to be explored in this franchise, but thus far they've been decidedly wasted. Recensie
Like those Nordic shows, it's impeccably mounted and acted, but with its lack of cinematic scope, you do feel like you should be watching Zvyagintsev's movie curled up at home on the sofa on a Sunday afternoon. Recensie
It may feature too many concessions to mainstream comedy acceptance to fully mine its potential, but when The Skeleton Twins is allowed to stand on its own feet, it's a bittersweet dramedy with some beautifully subtle performances. Recensie
The film is stolen, despite the brevity of her screen time, by Kaitlyn Dever, who broke hearts last year as a troubled teen in Short Term 12. Here she plays Moretz' chilled out friend, and lights up the screen with an effortless energy. It might believe it's being innovative by subverting tropes, but Say When ultimately offers little new to the rom-com. Recensie
If you go into Nolan's film looking for an epic space adventure, the movie will likely play out as the sci-fi equivalent of watching a novice trucker attempt a u-turn in a cul-de-sac, but if you're willing to latch onto Cooper's familial plight, you'll find Interstellar a gripping human drama, grounded in a father's fear of missing out on the lives of his children. Recensie
This is a movie in which plot takes a backseat to its fascinating central character, given the treatment he deserves by an actor at the top of his game. Recensie
Radcliffe does his best with a weak script, but at this point it feels like he's trying too hard. Recensie
At 2.5 hours, a movie about a 19th century painter might sound like homework to many, but Leigh has made a biopic that's one of the most entertaining movies of the year. Recensie
The plot plays out like a poor man's Final Destination, but without the clever contrivance of its protagonists knowing the upcoming order of their impending deaths. Recensie
Jones proves a natural fit for this material, both as actor and director, and Swank seems born to play the strong on the outside, dying on the inside Cuddy. Rodrigo Prieto's cinematography will have you gasping for water as it captures the harshness of the arid terrain, and Marco Beltrami provides one of the year's best scores. Western fans will find The Homesman an intriguing addition to the genre, but it may prove a tad sombre... Recensie
Think August Osage County crossed with Meet the Parents and you'll have some idea what you're in for with this one, a combination of broad (literal) potty humour and ruminations on the meaning of family. There's nothing here you haven't seen before in the hometown return genre. Recensie
Australian cinema has always straddled a line between European arthouse and American commercialism. The Babadook is at its most effective when aiming for the former, and captures the essence of Polanski and Bava. Recensie
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