Dit zijn alle films en series die Jeffrey Rex heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: I'm Jeffrey Rex.
Aantal filmrecensies: 853 / 853
Thought-provoking, awe-inspiring, and, quite simply, one of the best films of all-time. Recensie
Robert Redford brings out these very bare and real performances... Recensie
Gives the franchise new life and will appeal to every crowd imaginable. Recensie
A huge disappointment, and possibly the worst film of 2015. Recensie
Exhilarating, emotional, and exceptional. It might be the best film in the Rocky-franchise. Recensie
This is a must-watch for fans of Men in Black and Edgar Wright’s Cornetto-films. Recensie
In spite of two pleasing performances from Tom Bell and Ed Weeks, Project Greenlight‘s 2015 film is problematic from the outset and never really works. Recensie
Not just one of the best movies of all-time, it might be the best sequel of all-time. Recensie
Must be commended for being a powerful film, which feels incredibly authentic. Recensie
A beautiful gothic ghost story, and one of Del Toro’s best films. Recensie
Allen perfectly balances intrigue, wonder, and beauty in this film. Recensie
Both incredibly breathtaking and perfectly classy. Recensie
Has a great story, brilliant characters but the greatest strength of this film is something rather different. The score is absolutely breathtaking. Recensie
A masterpiece and the best Pixar-film since the original Toy Story. Recensie
The best movie in the Mission: Impossible-franchise. Recensie
Has heart, but ultimately is too poorly written and edited to be memorable. Recensie
Lost the style that made the original film great. Recensie
Not as bad as I had feared, not as good as I had hoped. Recensie
Completely falls apart in the poorly paced final act. Recensie
A must-watch documentary for all comic book fans... Recensie
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