Dit zijn alle films en series die Vincent heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Qwipster's Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 4223 / 4223
Isn't much better than watching the home movies of people we don't even know. Recensie
We should expect no less from a film about one of the more interesting and witty screenwriters of his, or any, generation. Recensie
Michael Fassbender is still quite captivating... Recensie
Most of the secondary characters in the movie are merely there to persistently explain the plotline and permutations of this... Recensie
And, only someone asleep through the middle of the film will likely be surprised at the reveal of the culprit of a murder that... Recensie
Intelligent, calculated, measured, and impeccably designed, this is what a seasoned filmmaker can bring to the world of cinema,... Recensie
The two semi-romantic leads, nicely played by Minnette and Rush, even manage to generate some sweetness to the mix that is... Recensie
Indeed, even their child Lucie is more comforted by feeling that her mother is still there. Recensie
99 Homes is a topical drama, but an important one, spotlighting a subject that would traditionally not lend well to making for a... Recensie
However, TV star Eduardo Yanez makes for a pleasant substitute, and provides a nice comedic contrast to the more hunky Colunga. Recensie
We should be marveling at this strange new world Peter and his fellow orphanage mates are in, rather than wondering what the... Recensie
With the exception of the look of the film, which is terrific, and some of the visual zip provided by the deft hand of,... Recensie
I wonder if Ben will hold my hair as I barf in the toilet from the nausea-inducing schmaltz much like he does for Jules in one... Recensie
Its more of a psychological drama than one meant to sate visceral horror or sci-fi fans, but for a compactly presented, nicely,,... Recensie
Though coming out only a year after the previous entry, it all looks very polished, with good use of CG technology and well... Recensie
The gusty winds, pummeling snowfall, avalanches, and blinding pieces of ice are all handled very well, effectively making the... Recensie
The rest of the cast is fine, but most of them are underutilized for something other than their star power, even if they perform... Recensie
Others will draw comparisons to other sci-fi classics like Metropolis, Blade Runner, and Brazil, which all featured dark, gloomy... Recensie
The two register a good deal of bromantic chemistry that makes them a pleasure to see interact with one another, never for,... Recensie
When in that mode, there are some subtle and pleasing moments to be found in between the stiffness of the tone and the... Recensie
Shyamalan gathers a decent cast here, all charismatic actors that play mostly for its intentionally campy tone. Recensie
Perhaps had the film been about Apple, the company, and not Steve Jobs, the man, this would have been more resonant. Recensie
In the original film, at least we liked Statham enough as an on-screen personality to root for him by default, but given no one,... Recensie
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