These are all the movies and series that Vincent has reviewed. Read more at: Qwipster's Movie Reviews.
Number of movie reviews: 4223 / 4223
The only scenes that strike any sort of chord are the external aerial shots of the airplane in peril, but those beats come too... Review
The serpentine, thought-provoking Gone Girl is as efficient a vehicle as they come. Review
Just like the doll the film is named after, this wooden production is marred by unappealing aesthetics and an unmoving delivery. Review
Watch American Beauty to see this kind of film done right. Review
Viewers are just looking for a few laughs and a pleasant time. Review
At least, it is for those of us who grew up with depression in the family, we see that existence as normal eventually, so when,... Review
For an improved piece that channels the 1970s sexist and racist attitudes, Anchorman does it much better. Review
-- There is an extra scene part way through the end credits. Review
Certainly, the allure of young Colette is enough to keep interested parties around. Review
Man on Fire did sickening acts of brutality better, of course, but if that one proves too dark and heavy for you, this is the,... Review
They both rise well above a script that could have used more work, especially in the way nearly every character repeats a line,... Review
-- There are extra scenes during and after the credits. Review
On occasion, Levy and Tropper do manage to stumble into an erudite moment that surprises. Review
The Maze Runner may seem a bit generic by modern standards, but it is fairly effective most of the way, eventually leading to a... Review
Repeat viewings will likely reap rewards, but just getting through the first one may prove a futile task for those who dislike... Review
Roskam is blessed with a solid cast up and down the line, despite the fact that few among the cast are New Yorkers, much less... Review
Colin must know that no one watches the news in suburban Atlanta because he uses his real name to everyone he meets. Review
Hazel, daughter of Clearwater manager Clay, appears to have some romantic feelings for him, and fears that Sawyer may eventually... Review
The kids, while cute, are written to be a bit too precocious at times, and the dolphins exhibit anthropomorphic qualities not... Review
As an experimental attempt to craft a lasting work, Folman certainly deserves a certain admiration, but his film is just too... Review
God Help the Girl is a fragile film about fragile characters in the most fragile moment of their lives. Review
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