These are all the movies and series that Filipe has reviewed. Read more at: Always Good Movies.
Number of movie reviews: 2026 / 2026
Tucci’s ideas, together with Rush’s acting abilities, were enough to minimally shape the artist, but this biographical drama has no place among the best I’ve seen lately. Review
Lelio and Gonzalo Maza, created a mysterious, opaque fog around the core of the story that simply didn’t work. Review
Boasts some originality. Becomes more subfusc than scary as the film moves forward. Review
Utterly unsatisfactory in terms of the message as well as highly inconsistent in the art of entertaining. Review
Has the ability to fill our hearts with optimism and gratitude. Review
This is a messy attempt to invoke “he Hangover and fuse it with Wedding Crashers. Review
Deserves an extra point for the ability to eke out unexpected laughs from the most painful scenarios. Review
By expeditiously capturing the moods of the city, he passes the idea of an undermined society within an undisciplined country. Review
The compelling narrative matches the plausible scenario and the actors remain sober in their roles. Review
An unconfined, honest, and totally fun experience whose novelty turns it more appetizing than any of the other Marvel installments. Review
Enjoy both the dark humor and the uncanny vibes of a tortuous Hungarian romance marked by strong dualities... Review
Oscillating with ups and downs, this moody, felinely romantic film has not much to show off besides its bizarreness... Review
A touching tribute to real-life heroes and its excruciating conclusion stubbornly remains in our heads for a long time after the final credits roll. Review
The spontaneous duo gives wings to creativity... Review
Imperfect characters actually build a nearly perfect chamber film, equal parts poetic and obscure. Review
A film of misconceptions based upon choices, behaviors, and romantic frustrations. In the end, it leaves us stiffly cold and utterly disappointed. Review
By dabbling in hazy mirror games and cheap, artificial glamour, Ozon squanders the chance of presenting something consistent... Review
Although far from being a reference in the kidnapping thriller genre, the dramatic side gets into your skin. Review
You will find plenty of human warmth in this odd spiritual journey that is also Stanton’s memorable final work. Review
Even when we get lost in poetic detail or even momentarily immersed in condescending dialogue, we feel encouraged by Spence and Pinnick’s sweet performances. Review
Having envisioned a comedy packed with dramatic force, Payne stumbles heavily in a faulty script, adding a few clichés and unimaginative formulas... Review
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