Dit zijn alle films en series die David heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 533 / 533
Beautifully animated, this European/Asian collaboration from Studio Ghibli will be enjoyable for most.
Over ambitious and hilariously artsy, this film spirals a bit out of control and is only slightly stabilized by Stewart’s admirable performance.
Less confident than his more recent Sing Street, this movie is still worth a watch.
Visually inventive and lovingly crafted, this will have you reaching for the Kleenex before the night is done.
Ambitiously crazy, filled with haunting imagery, the narrative shortfalls keep this from being what it could have been.
A brilliant view of misogyny and corporate American culture.
Fractured throughout, and never entirely satisfying, this adaptation of Stephen Sondheim’s famous musical leaves you longing for the stage.
A young Anthony Hopkins carries this story of madness, ventriloquism, and love.
A combination of styles and a desire to be more appealing lead this film to be what it is – appealingly beautifully messy.
It is the standard creepy girl/creepy lake house story, but the main actor sells it well.
Eden Duncan-Smith dominates the screen with her charisma, and her co-star Dante Crichlow holds his own against her.
There was almost no balance to it, which is a shame, because there is a decent story hiding here somewhere.
The story was full and enjoyable, and I was pretty happy with it overall.
I will concede that the effects were done pretty well. The jump scares were, well, jump scares. Overall I wouldn’t suggest it...
After a weak opening that studies its subject clinically, Dahmer settles in to be a very profoundly disturbing film.
A quirky love story that does a great job at telling a story about mental illness without completely making light of it.
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