Dit zijn alle films en series die Hope heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1041 / 1041
The film never feels like a biopic. The rendering is far more crime thriller, and had this been a simple fictional account of a mole in a political organization, King’s film would have been riveting. Performances alone would have elevated the genre beats. Recensie
Instead, Guigui treats every scene as if no other scene has taken place. It doesn’t help that all of this tension non-building is in service of Knox’s character arc. Recensie
Her film treads the earth between mental illness and religious fervor, but its sights are on the horror of the broken hearted and lonesome. Recensie
Minari offers a close look—optimistic, but not sentimental—at the American Dream. If you feel like that’s been done to death, that just means you haven’t seen this movie yet. Recensie
Graham’s film possesses an artistry that can’t be denied, and it succeeds more than it fails. Recensie
Nothing ties together, and by the final scene’s reveal you feel like you’re watching the cliffhanger for an episodic series that you probably won’t commit to. Recensie
It’s a laudable goal. The problem may just be that Mary Shelley said it so much better. Recensie
But Ascher digs much deeper, drawing images of a culture and personality type compelled by these ideas, and the hard potential consequences of a Matrix in the hands of someone less noble than Neo. Recensie
It’s hard to call The Reckoning a wasted opportunity because, aside from some solid framing and cinematography, there’s nothing here to even exploit. It’s a superficial ripoff of a worn out genre, built entirely around a laughable performance. Recensie
It’s a gorgeous effort, poetic and somber and dreamlike. But it lacks a central voice, and without that, any real connection with the audience. Recensie
T doesn’t help that the color, period and low boil bring to mind two wildly superior Fincher efforts—Seven and, even more clearly, Zodiac. And however competently made (and it is) or impressively cast (obviously), The Little Things just can’t distinguish itself from the pack. Recensie
It’s a lopsidedness The Dig never quite recovers from. Of course, had Mulligan and Fiennes not shone quite so brightly, it may not have been a problem at all. Recensie
The Queen of Black Magic makes more narrative sense, but somehow that seems to flatten it out a little. It feels less magically horrific and unsettling as the films Anwar directs. But strong, dimensional performances elevate every scene. Recensie
Bahrani’s masterful direction makes the most of background to establish and reestablish Balram’s position and his thinking. And as utterly contemptuous as this film is concerning the wealthy and powerful, director and lead make you feel the depth and history involved in a servant’s culture of devotion. Recensie
Talent be damned, Guez can’t find an original thought to explore. Everything about Brothers by Blood feels absolutely garden variety, although competently made. Recensie
Oppenheim’s framing and David Bolen’s cinematography create an unforgettable visual experience, preparing you for a Wes Anderson meets John Waters documentary about rich old people synchronized swimming. Recensie
Debay’s transformation is also marked very obviously and very visually, underscoring the cartoonish nature of this particular enactment. She does a wonderful job of evolving from something in Act 1 that feels garden variety for horror into something surprising and fierce. Recensie
Cuffley doesn’t break a lot of new ground, but his is an appealing riff on a familiar tune. Recensie
With self-deprecating charm to burn, O’Toole creates a wrong-headed but hilarious and almost sweet tone that helps Grierson hold together a plot that throws a lot at you. Recensie
Bass’s script is too often superficial, creating moments for each star to shine, but those moments invariably feel unearned. Recensie
Shadow in the Cloud is a ludicrous, over-the-top action horror. It knows what it is and it delivers on its promises. Recensie
With sharp timing and a panda mask, Greenland perfectly represents Born Again: it’s so wrong, yet endearingly hilarious. Recensie
News of the World offers a simply hero’s journey, understated by Greengrass’s influence and Tom Hanks’s natural abilities. Recensie
Mulligan is marvelous, giving Cassie the courage that comes from an utter disinterest in the opinions or well-being of others. Recensie
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