Dit zijn alle films en series die Hope heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1038 / 1038
A spare, quick and simple film that is equally epic. Recensie
He uses these to articulate, in clever and sometimes wryly funny fashion, the history unfolding. Recensie
Not a single plot point will surprise, and the film is too damn long. Recensie
A satisfying power struggle and the provocative use of ambiguities that refuse to offer a tidy ending help the film hang around after credits role. Recensie
Not just an excellent picture of an artist Poland wanted us to forget... Recensie
The first film in which Bong clearly states a prescribed purpose, rather than simply writing and directing a fine, if politically astute, film. Recensie
Beautifully acted, gloriously filmed and haunting. Recensie
Boasts a contagious pop mentality, intelligent wit and sweet heart. Recensie
A clever but unwieldy storyline, and Amirpour has trouble concluding her tale. Recensie
Does what many solid documentaries do: it points to the profound relevance of the seemingly ordinary. Recensie
It’s a movie about toy trucks that turn into robots who fight with each other. For the love of God, can we cap it at 2 hours? Recensie
There’s nothing new here. But What Aniello and her talented cast do with a variety of set-ups is sometimes inspired and often very funny. Recensie
For a mindless, squirmy summer shark fest, though, it’s a fun time-waster. Recensie
Kurtzman’s impressive lack of instinct for pacing, tone and atmosphere match perfectly with the script’s hodgepodge of stolen ideas. Recensie
As insightful and respectful a representation of trauma and grief as you’ll find, but don’t expect tidy explanations or epiphanies. Recensie
Cast and crew trap you in slow-boil of primal instincts with an explosion the inevitable consequence. Recensie
Can Poseidon’s Trident put an end to this franchise? Recensie
Meghie keeps almost everything restrained, which is both the film’s blessing and curse. Recensie
A fascinating and beautifully filmed piece of what you might expect. Recensie
Unfortunately, Ritchie buries every stylistic choice he makes under charmless and pace-deadening CGI. Recensie
A frustrating way to spend an evening, but not a waste of time. Recensie
But when a rehash serves up this much wit, eye candy and escapist fun, you know what they say… Recensie
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