Dit zijn alle films en series die George heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 738 / 738
It cements a vision of Suspiria that’s as ambitious and it is uncompromising, one that explores different definitions of horror while ultimately delivering more outright shocks and shivers than Argento ever attempted. Recensie
An often funny, sometimes startling and endlessly human film, Mid90s is a blast from the past that points to a bright filmmaking future for Jonah Hill. Recensie
But in contrasting glorious human achievement with acceptable sacrifice, Free Solo becomes nearly unforgettable. Recensie
In trusting that YA audience with some bitter pills, The Hate U Give becomes a required dose for the rest of us. Recensie
Has style, a winning cast, and winking nods to horror classics such as IT and Frankenstein. Recensie
Can’t completely deliver on its promise, it offers a gorgeous blast of color, sound and plot twists that are pretty fun to watch unravel. Recensie
The few moments where the film’s uncertainty breeds heavy-handedness can’t diminish her exciting potential as a writer and director. Recensie
The story is light and whimsical, but thanks to the veteran actors and the slyly understated direction, it’s got a frisky heart that won’t quit. Recensie
This film has talent everywhere, but it also has stirring things to say about love and sacrifice, about art and commerce, ambition and fame. Recensie
Settles into a pleasantly entertaining mix of messages, music, and Looney Tunes-worthy pratfalls. Recensie
With music such a big part of the film, Hawke’s decision to present it in its live, raw glory reaps big dividends. Recensie
Outside of one needless stunt at the Michigan governor’s mansion, Moore’s at his most forthright and committed. Recensie
Not what the trailer makes you think it is – which turns out to be the perfect setup for a film with plenty of head fakes that lead to a mischievous good time. Recensie
High on body count but low on substance, Peppermint tastes like a strange blend of committed and lazy. Recensie
Kingsley and Isaac make subject matter this unpleasant a joy to watch unfold, elevating Operation Finale with a moving contrast of soul. Recensie
A mystery with as much to say about parenting as posting, and a remarkably in-the-moment statement. Recensie
The parts are all here and competently assembled, but the punch of the bigger themes Noer and Guzikowski are aiming for never land flush. Recensie
The film has moments of promise that are quickly snuffed out by exposition that’s neither needed, wanted or interesting. Recensie
Settles awkwardly between a child’s fable and wistful remembrances from grandparents. Recensie
Reaches a memorable height, becoming both an urgent social comment and an exciting filmmaking debut. Recensie
Say what you what about the summer movie season so far, Fallout is here to make you remember how breathlessly fun it can be. Recensie
You may know where The Cakemaker is going, but getting there is a sweet and satisfying trip. Recensie
Does a great job upholding the integrity of the “real time computer screen” gimmick. But from the opening setup, this one carries more eerie authenticity. Recensie
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