These are all the movies and series that Bob has reviewed. Read more at: One Mann's Movies.
Number of movie reviews: 881 / 881
A solid piece of movie storytelling, whether controversial or otherwise. And Recommended. Review
This is an ‘old-fashioned’ film that will appeal to an older age group, looking for style, romance and escapism. It reminded me in turns of movies like The Two Faces of January and The Age of Adeline in its mood and presentation. Review
This was a pleasant surprise for me. A fun and light-hearted movie that ticks all the boxes as a summer blockbuster. Review
It’s a diverting enough movie, with fabulous views of the Dominican Republic. A “less is more” approach might have made this a classic. But unfortunately, that’s not what Shyamalan delivered here. Since what we get is a ‘Lost-lite’ with farcical elements. Review
This sequel was, I thought, much better, being entertaining for both kids and adults. Review
It’s tragically bad. A lame attempt to cash in on the bizarre $155M success of the first B-movie. Avoid. Review
It has a style about it that is unmistakable. I had no idea where it was going, and the denouement was surprising and satisfying. Review
It covers her early life, pre-titles, but then skips all the intermediate biopic stuff to drill into this specific adventure in her life. And the quality of the acting and the relationships that are built up delivered something that I greatly enjoyed. Review
For me, this fell between the stools of comedy and horror and is instantly forgettable. Review
It’s billed as a comedy drama but, although there are comic moments, it leans heavily on the drama. Review
It’s just such a formulaic and contrived piece of fluff that it makes me cross that they can spend $200,000 on a movie and not make it better. Review
Like The Father, this is a tough watch. I felt pretty well emotionally wrung-out by the end of it. But, it was well worth the wait in my book. Review
The shtick is mildly diverting, occasionally downright funny, but quickly outstays its welcome. The 100 minute run time felt, for me, much longer. Review
High octane and full of noise and colour, its a spectacular that doesn’t disappoint. The quirkiness of Crazy Rich Asians is on full display in some of the sequences, which are cleverly filmed. Review
Dementia is a cruel and heartless disease that robs any affected elderly person of their memories, logic and – ultimately – their dignity. I thought the movie was extremely clever in reflecting this decline, anchored by the astonishing career-best performance from Sir Anthony Hopkins. Review
Cruella is a blisteringly funny, gloriously colourful and hugely entertaining blockbuster. Review
An extraordinary story of ambition against all the odds... Review
It’s a pretty shallow plot…. but it’s also bloody good fun! Review
This an intriguing little movie that mystifies and jolts in equal measure. Review
It’s still a rollercoaster thrill-ride that – at 97 minutes – doesn’t overstay its welcome. Sometimes ‘more of the same’ is enough. Review
Aside from the couple of decent scenes, most of the shots feel like first takes, with the actors doing read-throughs of the clunky script to try to work out how to best sell the lines. Review
There’s a stellar cast involved with this one, and the subject matter in the hands of an Adam McKay could have been compelling. But as it is, it’s rather a disjointed mess. It’s worth a watch just to see the actors at work. Review
An instant classic. It knocks you round the chops and forces your respect by being like no animated feature you’ve seen before. Witty, irreverent, gloriously entertaining it’s a no-brainer that this gets 5-stars from me. Review
The script by Ben Falcone is just eye-rollingly unfunny. Review
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