Dit zijn alle films en series die Don heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Every Movie Has a Lesson.
Aantal filmrecensies: 704 / 704
It’s hard to see where any character, major or minor, in this film thinks about consequences before they act... Recensie
Efficient and effective for education through charm. Recensie
This saga’s newest peak is an expanse of scorched earth that stings, shocks, lingers, and satisfies. Recensie
The culminating dreadful tension and high intrigue created by Weisz and McAdams is incredibly palpable... Recensie
The frazzled and twitchy traits come forth from committed performances especially from the three case subjects. Recensie
An excellent place for teens to soak in some much-needed empathy against the more mindless American animated offerings. Recensie
Frozen by disturbing memories, the blunt object that is Lynne Ramsay’s award-winning potboiler is far more hulking than a quick death by bullet. Recensie
It banks on mixing sentiment built on pleasantries laced with profanity. Recensie
Johnson has the charisma and clout to hit the cinematic strongman game enough to make a terrible movie OK when it comes to Rampage. Recensie
A moving artistic interpretation of one of those such moments. Recensie
Combining a slick creature-feature with a chamber piece of deadly silence that immerses the audience in compelling thrills. Recensie
Exudes strong themes of guilt across several points of view. Recensie
Plays smart with its narrative development where wit wins over gross-out humor every time. Recensie
Stands as one of the most unafraid and imaginative films of recent memory to portray the thorny truths of teen depression. Recensie
Spielberg and company have created a grand quest with a marching band’s worth of bells and whistles. Recensie
Proves big budgets are far from necessary to produce thrilling heat and an aura of tenacity. Recensie
Hyatt’s film comports itself well to share these beliefs in an artful and compelling fashion. Recensie
The most fitting and laudable word to compliment the Journey’s End ensemble is maturity. Recensie
The challenge remains the wanton recklessness of the character arcs that make for a scattered story... Recensie
Stanley Tucci is a cinematic treasure of sarcasm. Recensie
Wears a giant badge of pride next to a tiny medallion of shame on its cinematic uniform on being banned in four nations... Recensie
Asks a great deal of its audience for the allowance of disbelief. Recensie
The compassion Doran's film stirs for economic and social challenges is genuine and resolute. Recensie
Weaves an intellectual web to test these limits inside a unique psyche better than films ten times its length. Recensie
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