These are all the movies and series that Ulkar has reviewed. Read more at: Movie Moves Me.
Number of movie reviews: 1695 / 1695
The Caviar Connection goes deep into the root of corruption in Azerbaijan and how the Dynastic governing family promotes the so-called democracy in Europe, specifically creating a false perception of freedom of speech, rule of law, while it has political prisoners, goes after journalists, and how the famous investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova was sent to prison to silence her. Review
This documentary avoids questions like where did the virus came from and its deadly nature. It rather concentrates on the human aspect of it, by letting people play their part as you follow the most poignant and heartbreaking portrayal of Covid in Wuhan and how they fought for each life they saved and lost. Review
It Is Not Over is an absolutely beautiful film you certainly must check out. It is sad and funny but never boring. Review
Jennifer Redfearn delivers an honest portrayal of three incarcerated women‘s life story in the most nuanced way. It’s touching, uplifting and even inspiring. Review
Dying to Divorce is a hard documentary to watch. But what depicts the true reality of women suffering or just a human being cannot be considered as joy or fun. Review
The informative yet heartbreaking narrative of Generation Utøya reminds us of the importance of youth education, being open-minded and less judgemental towards those we do not consider our own. Review
The film is far from being great. But it’s informative, which is what matters the most. Though it’s an influential subject matter, the film leaves little room for imagination, which should have been the other way around. But if you keep an open mind, allow the documentary subjects to tell their side of the story, it becomes a much easier piece to watch. Review
The documentary itself is so entertaining you won’t find yourself bored. It has so much interesting detailed information you will probably be busy taking notes every time Mau has something important to say. Review
Grey Roads is an interesting documentary that will trigger your interest in it as soon as it starts. It’s educational, intelligent and engaging. Review
The most fascinating part of the film is its ability to draw the line between the importance of science and its effects on the future of memory and digital livelihood, how a human android expresses itself. Review
Absolutely dramatic, Sotorra’s film takes a bold approach on a very sensitive subject matter to paint these women that are being considered as traitors as victims of circumstance. Review
It has its story well-shaped, creates an atmospheric environment, lets the actors play their part and allows the story to unfold at its own pace. Review
Moffie is a beautifully shot period drama that offers everything for you to enjoy it except for comedic scenes, understandably, with the subject matter it had no room for entertainment. Review
Ricky Staub recreates a heartwarming and a feel-good atmosphere despite some violence and drug use scenes to give the audience some hope. Review
The Criminals perfectly exemplifies a conservative society and the freedom it has when it comes to punishing those who, they believe, are trying to fornicate. Review
It’s about a daughter-mother relationship too, how it evolved over the day and its epic culmination, in which, you will be simply happy for both achieving the successful result as a team. Review
Bantú Mama is a beautiful tale of friendship that teaches children and adult the importance of being co-dependent or being in charge of something bigger than yourself. Review
Executive Order is an exceptional film with an intelligent concept that will make you think. Review
The film is not long either; with 68 minutes of runtime, it manages to tell everything we need to know about Hayden, Amarillo and its future. Review
Ludi is an exceptional film that showcases the life of an immigrant in America. It captures the difficulty of living the American dream. Review
His wonderfully narrated short, in a perfect way, exemplifies what it means when you mess with something that has nothing to lose. Review
The film wisely uses the heart-aching concern of immigrants and intolerance of Americans towards outsiders. Review
The Other Morgan is a clever comedy that provides food for thought. A bit philosophical, it teaches the importance of not underestimating our life because what is seen as a failure for us can be a big success for others. Review
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