Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
Softie is a must-see film. But you must be prepared for the gut-wrenching scenes some may not be able to handle. Recensie
It’s intelligent, super engaging, and fun to watch. There is never a moment when you feel that this or that info you learn was less important. Recensie
The Earth Is Blue As An Orange delivers another perspective of the unnecessity of war and why art is the one thing that can prevent it. Recensie
What a camera can do is to provide its own examination of events for us to see, understand, and even feel it if necessary, which is what Reunited succeeds in achieving. Recensie
It is a sad and uplifting story at the same time. Recensie
This is why watching Immortal is heartbreaking. Recensie
Influence is a must-see documentary not just because of its subject matter but how it’s been presented. Recensie
The most interesting and touching thing about this film is the bond Garnett builds with her father, David as if they had never been separated. Recensie
The film offers the interesting contract of socialism to ponder upon; something that would try to give at least something to the people. Recensie
The excellent structure, archival footage on display, and in-depth interviews help us better understand the working of BAAANA (Black Acupuncture Advisory Association of North America) and its way of fighting heroin addiction. Recensie
It is an absolutely heartbreaking story, to say the least. Recensie
Pray Away paints an image of religion and how it affects people when they’re coerced into following a prejudiced way of life, which is both painful and heartbreaking. Recensie
The High Note is not just a musical drama, it’s about human dignity, chances we take in life, and the little things that help people grow as individuals. Recensie
A hilarious short film about one man who makes all his fiance’s dreams come true in terms of what she expected from him and he overachieves his goal by finding his new self in the most comprehensive way possible. Recensie
Query is one of those short films that not only offers a great cast to pull off such a stunning story but also a subject matter that will surely be interesting to many. Recensie
The events that will take place after is sad and heartbreaking on every level possible. Recensie
Gets Good Light captures the most genuine and moving side of an individual who is labeled as undocumented. Recensie
Jack and Jo Don’t Want to Die is an ambitious film about different realities with an interesting concept. Recensie
Grey Zone is one of the most important and beautifully directed and acted films from start to end. Recensie
Brea Grant delivers one of the most extravagant indie horror films that is well-acted, dull as it could get, yet enjoyable throughout. Recensie
Asia is a decent drama about the hardships of motherhood, choices that Asia should make, and the love for her daughter that is greater than her own tears. Recensie
A Better You is a beautifully done dystopian drama with a bit of humor. Recensie
The Difference serves as an inspiring short docu-film with a heartfelt message in it, I am sure, will pass through any, apologies for stating, frozen heart. Recensie
Look at Me has a lot to offer within a short amount of time, but it’s enough to reconsider what we are, who we are, and who we want to become after seeing this intense, thought-provoking and intelligently executed short. Recensie
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