Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
The Undocumented Lawyer reminds us of how far one well-established country can go to silence the voice that was and is the core of that country. Recensie
Richard Jewell, is a brilliant film from the legendary Eastwood who knows how to handle any material. Recensie
Again, it all can be just me, or a bit of tiredness I had. Maybe I was not too focused on the film and missed some crucial scenes. Recensie
Onward is an excellent and heart-warming animated drama that gives what it needs for the family to enjoy their movie night. Recensie
Sometimes it feels like a slow-burning drama that we know how it’ll end but always remains engaging and articulate when it comes to delivering its message. Recensie
Outbreak is an intense and intelligent film that delivers a nail-biting atmosphere. Recensie
Resistance has its ups and downs. However, it is a very decent film that does not hesitate from reliving the shameful and tragic part of the twentieth century, something that should not be forgotten. Recensie
Tape is an absolutely must-see film that perfectly describes what it means to be a woman in the film industry. Recensie
The Hunt provides an entertaining and sometimes hilarious ride like a storm with a premise that never gets it wrong. Recensie
I Still believe is a Christian romantic drama with a touching love story that will melt your heart. Recensie
The Whistlers is a decent crime drama taking place in La Gomera, one of Canary’s islands. Recensie
Greed is still a fine film that is entertaining throughout. Of course, some may find it a bit messy, but that messiness is justified because of the director’s intention of wanting to touch upon many aspects of life in one piece. Recensie
The film cleverly explores social issues and how people on low wages have been treated by their bosses or even by the customers who, obviously, want their parcels to be delivered on time. Recensie
The Invisible Man is indeed the most satisfying horror film from the Blumhouse. Recensie
The Lovely Bones is a chilling supernatural thriller drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Recensie
So waste no time and surely catch the film once it’s out because it’s totally worth more than it seems. Recensie
As for the performance, it’s another story that I wish to know more about how the actors even agreed to get into this insane project. But I’m glad they did, as it was a truly mind-blowing performance from start till the end. Recensie
Downhill has its ups and downs but never fails to deliver its point. Recensie
Little Chief is a compelling short film that teaches us humanity, compassion, and empathy. Recensie
The promising start of Thompson’s debut directorial piece did not continue the same way. Recensie
Paola Makes A Wish is a stand-out short film that does not hesitate to open up and explore a sensitive subject matter that is equally crucial for both the sexes to know about. Recensie
This short film offers a fascinating twist towards the end which, literally as you watch it, there is no way to predict it. Recensie
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