Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
Noëlle Schönwald as Dana is superb, realistic, sympathetic, yet all about trouble. Recensie
Alice is one of those films that allow you to answer so many questions about unhappy marriages, while it chooses an interesting path for its heroine to discover what she is capable of as a woman. Recensie
Iwan Rheon, Milo Gibson, and Stefanie Martini in the lead roles carry the entire movie while the CGI, of course, is a bit uncomfortable to even watch. Recensie
Michalina Olszanska is perfect at portraying two different women that are victims in their own way while Carga itself is like a translator of human cruelty explained in an impeccable way. Recensie
The film tackles the importance of love, feeling, touching and living life. Recensie
Captain Marvel is not a flawless superhero movie but an exciting and absolute fun to watch nonetheless. Recensie
It’s intelligent, has a flawless plot, straight-forward direction, mind-blowing lines, and the atmosphere you will enjoy throughout. Recensie
Moore, through her outstanding performance, helped Gloria to be reborn and aim for heights that’s leading in only one direction – up. Recensie
We are Boats is an extraordinary movie with an exceptional storyline that will make you think a lot. Recensie
Jaime Jiménez, perfectly captured by Jose Coronado, is a brilliant surgeon. Recensie
It’s funny, some sentimental scenes are handled really well, and avoids misuse of an important subject matter that should be told in such a heartwarming way. Recensie
It made for those who like experimental cinema, a cinema that tackles humanity, humans and their approach to life in a darker way. Recensie
While the female lead cast is truly outstanding, it’s the concept of the movie that will strike most of you. Recensie
This movie is real, talks about issues such as the importance of giving a chance to children that are not, if I can say it this way, in the most favorable age to be adopted. Recensie
Working Woman does what many films do not or do not want to – cross the line of normality, create a subtle situation of how workplace harassment begins, escalates and reaches to the point where something must be done about it. Recensie
Prosecuting Evil is not an easy documentary to watch as the gruesome footages of killed people or those who were about to lose their life is something so difficult to comprehend, grasp, and process throughout the film. Recensie
It is an exciting, endlessly engaging dark thriller with elements of horror. It is full of political drama, takes you into the epicenter of the fight for power, and for life itself between betrayers and monsters at the same time. Recensie
The Hidden World manages to have a flawless narrative, beautiful animations, outstanding colors, and a stellar cast that gave their voice to the characters that will never die either in the cinematic world or outside of it. Recensie
You can’t disregard its charm, cinematography, powerful and emotionally charged performances. An enigmatic world of art. Recensie
The Invisible Guest is a highly suspenseful crime thriller that offers a bunch of clues that serves its own purpose... Recensie
There are a lot of gaps in the screenplay written by Fung Lam and Mark Wu. Recensie
The film provides a nuanced portrait of a family trauma caused by secrets, a failed relationship, and the truth that, still somewhere in between, tries to decide to come out or not. Recensie
This film clearly captures not only why the refugee crisis exists, but why we should be open minded and mindful when it comes to paying attention to their stories. Recensie
My main issue is that Traffic Stop picked up a wrong narrative and continues manipulating it by creating more issues with racism than preventing it. Recensie
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