Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
It develops the characters well, leaving us no questions at all. While there is no big acting ability required in this film, the actors still deliver a solid performance. Recensie
Amber Fares, who flawlessly tells the story here, tries to concentrate the viewer’s attention not only on the racing world, where women are not too welcome, but the life they have across the Bank, where occupied Palestine can’t afford to have a life even with minimal needs. Recensie
I’ve not seen a documentary film for a while where the filmmaker would have made such a subtle connection with the audience through an inspiring story like this one. Recensie
A haunting film with hypnotic effect. Recensie
A truly breathtaking movie about bravery, war and reality. It’s a must watch movie for anyone who loves war movies based on a true story. Recensie
It’s written intelligently, has excellent directing, and has a performance that makes us believe in everything that happens in this series. Recensie
The Wave is worth watching. The tsunami scene is scary enough to make you look for a high place to hide. Recensie
Hiddleston shines as Jonathan Pine, while Hugh Laure appears as a dangerous villain, whose path you better not cross. From the beginning of the episode till its last second, you simply can’t afford losing your attention. Recensie
This film may be about America, but in the meantime, it’s about every country in the world that must face the issues they have, and fix it, if they want our next generation to have a prosperous future. But before it happens, allow yourself to be invaded by Moore`s brilliant film, that must be seen by everyone. Recensie
It may not be a great film about the racial issues America and the world had to face, but perhaps, it’s Hopkins who found it too difficult to touch both subjects equally in one film, which does not seem right at all. If not for that, this film would have been much better than it is. But it still is a good film to watch. Recensie
Embrace of the Serpent quickly catches your attention through its simplicity and beauty of nature it portrays. Screenplay is near to perfection. Direction leaves you nothing to complain about. Recensie
Bloodsworth’s story will make you think of how many more people were convicted wrongly. Recensie
From the beginning to the end, in The Club you see nothing but superbly written, directed film with an extraordinary performance by the cast, whose characters you wish would never exist in a movie nor in real life. Recensie
Shades of Blue has a solid amount of everything: convincing plot, performance, and of course, no distractive scenes, which is what’s important when you have someone like Jennifer Lopez in it. Recensie
This is quite amazing to see how the filmmaker, Rusty Cundieff, turns such a serious subject into comedy. Some scenes are charged with hilarious moments, largely due to believable performances delivered by Sharon Leal and the twin brothers. Recensie
A thought-provoking movie to watch. It’s an excellent drama that conveys an important message. Recensie
Knucklehead is a solid drama about mental disorder, its aftermath, and the desperation of one man, whose condition allows him to see the world the way we would never be able to observe. Recensie
An amazing journey for the viewer who simply needs to fasten his seatbelt and enjoy the high-speed ride with absolutely breathtaking performances, incredibly well-developed story and an experience not every movie is capable of delivering. Recensie
Lynne Ramsay flawlessly directs We Need to Talk About Kevin, while Tilda Swinton and Ezra Miller are simply outstanding. Recensie
Good or bad, this film delivers its point, maybe not as clearly as we wished, but enough to be worth giving a shot. Recensie
Dirty Grandpa offers nothing to the viewer except vulgar, tasteless scenes that can make the viewer laugh at, but only by chance. Recensie
Fourth Man Out is honest, open, and funny film that touches a serious subject matter. It may not be a perfect film, the way it’s made, but it certainly makes its point and does what it should with all the given opportunities. Recensie
What An Idiot is a surprisingly funny film, and sometimes, simply hysterical. Recensie
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