Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
It is an enjoyable piece, and the entire credit must go to Elsa Pataky who is superb in every action sequence. Her physical readiness is astonishing. Recensie
Infinite Storm may not be one of the best survival films but it’s the most decent one made recently. It’s an easy watch without much overload. Recensie
It’s brilliant storytelling and eloquently narrated... Recensie
Firestarter could have gotten a better chance of survival if not, once again, for the poorly written script. Recensie
Into the Weeds” is a very detailed documentary that pretty much summarizes what may happen to people if there were not warned about products they use either at home or on a farm that is slowly killing them. Recensie
The Killing of a Journalist is nothing more but a testament to the strong power of a nation that, if it wants, can turn the whole country upside down and bring those that are guilty to a imminent justice. Recensie
Deeply moving and emotionally hard to process, the story points out once again to the big people, their inability to act, respond to the disease and do something about it. Recensie
Right from the beginning, the filmmaker does not shy away from her confession, as subtly and slowly she reveals the main premise of the film. Recensie
Bigger than Trauma is a moving documentary that shows how all three documentary subjects try to find a way to heal their soul through attending a pioneering program that invites both Serbian and Croatian women to participate in a deeply re-inventing therapy for the self. Recensie
As you watch the documentary on old footage, especially when you are young enough, you will find yourself shocked that every single frame and story told happened not long ago. Recensie
It’s a refreshing, enlightening and important documentary that reveals too much information about the Irish Singer Sinead O’Connor who was not afraid of public or well-known misconception. Recensie
The Bad Guys is a nice family animated film with a thought-provoking concept even for adults. Recensie
Through their wonderfully written script, Nicolas Cage shows up like a tornado and storms all his iconic roles to remind us he has not lost it but gained more talent in acting to prove once again he is in possession of a massive weight of an unwithering talent. Recensie
The film suffers from start to end, trying to climb up as a survivor. However, all that won’t stop you from enjoying it and sitting through it till the end because it’s Nora Roberts’ novel; it can’t be that bad after all. Recensie
It’s a big thrill and a great treat from Michael Bay. It’s an absolute fun film to watch that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Recensie
After Yang is a slow-burning drama that tries to be more than it can offer. Its philosophical approach does not make sense, as Jake tries to reason what he should have done in the first place. Recensie
It’s the concept of the film that works well, especially the ending that will surely bring tears to your eyes. Recensie
Ella and the Little Sorcerer is an average animated film that does not fall into the same quality you see in Disney’s pieces. However, its a moving plot that touches upon friendship and the willingness to risk everything for friends. Recensie
Inventing Anna is superbly directed, narrated and subtly acted by the entire cast. Recensie
A remake of the French film Mon garçon and directed for the English speaking audience by Christian Carion, the film does not overload with insignificant details nor paints James McCavoy as a Rambo style father who goes against people that have taken his son. Recensie
And I assure you, it is more fun than expected. Just give it a chance. Recensie
Smart, wicked, funny and tragic, expect nothing short of a jaw-dropping story from The Tinder Swindler which you will talk about long after the credits fade to dark. Recensie
Parallel Mothers is an emotional tour-de-force journey where you can’t pass certain scenes without tears. It’s such an important story and so deeply moving that it will impact everyone. Recensie
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