Dit zijn alle films en series die Victor heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Dirty Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1064 / 1064
British survival horror successfully recycles devices from the shark and claustrophobia horror movies to very convincing results... Recensie
Lurking just beneath the visual frenzy is a straightforward, predictable plot. Recensie
Dotted with very interesting anecdotes... Recensie
Remains a very modern film about fear and madness. Recensie
A highly experimental and audacious doc with homemade feel investigates the aimlessness of youth across three different continents. Recensie
An insider's view into the predicament of Wikileak's founder Julian Assange and his acolytes Jacob Appelbaum and Sarah Harrison... Recensie
The infinite twists in the film will keep you guessing what this is until the final 20 minutes of the movie. Recensie
This sloppy rom-com is bursting with clichés and hardly plausible, but it still has a certain je-ne-sais-pas-quois... Recensie
In terms of message, Churchill is not too different from your average BBC period drama, or a film you’d catch on the History Channel. Recensie
Has all the ingredients of a good and conventional horror movie... Recensie
While poignant and sobering, Destination Unknown probably won’t tell you anything you don’t already know... Recensie
An expressionistic fairy tale with a healthy dose of ambition. Recensie
Makes a case for the devotion and hard work of people in PR campaigns. Overall, it comes across as a little esoteric. Recensie
Teresa Palmer conveys a sense of extreme vulnerability without coming across as clueless and stupid. Recensie
Does not fail on its innovative title and narrative. Recensie
The cinematography makes up for the shortcomings of the story... Recensie
A striking script adaption of a book realised with a real love for the craft of the stop frame animation process. Recensie
It will entertain you while still touching on complex and potentially incendiary topics. Recensie
Overall, it seems more suited to museums than to theaters, but that’s hardly a bad quality. Recensie
A hurricane of emotions: Japanese family drama rescues complex sentiments from candid dialogues and trivial events, with inevitable comparisons to Ozu's Tokyo Story. Recensie
An enjoyable 90-minutes love-story and it is an outstanding debut feature for Mark Wilshin. Recensie
Interesting and gripping enough to watch for nearly two hours. Recensie
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