These are all the movies and series that Jeremy has reviewed.
Number of movie reviews: 335 / 335
Ay not be the best Stephen King adaptation, but it's a worthwhile summer blockbuster with a sci-fi twist and an eye for world-building.
The script is predictable and the film never reaches John Wick-level achievements, but it's still a fun time, with a wild cast.
The film's lacking narrative structure leaves the overall presentation without an emotional connection between audiences and characters...
A meditative look at love, legacy and loss, through the eyes of a white-sheeted ghost.
Full of big budget imagination and visual spectacle, while occasionally coming up short with its plot and character development.
Tom Holland gives us a boyish and excited Peter Parker that we haven’t seen before.
I liked it, but didn’t fall in love with it as much as I did with Wright’s other films.
A really fascinating summer blockbuster that’s not afraid to focus on its characters and their struggle, instead of set piece after set piece.
Still a far cry from the original trilogy.
An R-rated comedy misfire, utilizing its impressive cast to mostly tell immature dick jokes that are extremely one note.
Returning to the franchise's horror roots, with blood, gore and B movie monsters, yet it's beautifully shot and ambitious in its attempt to further expand the Alien mythos.
Gives us more of those same unorganized and rarely competent characters that we’ve grown to love from the first film...
A savvy piece of social commentary. Unfortunately, the film's script is a bit dull.
A lacking and minor entry in the never-ending found-footage sub-genre that does little to stir up the material.
Webb's direction is simple, yet effective, while Tom Flynn's script gives the performers more than enough to soar with.
Takes the over-the-top franchise in a new direction, stumbling occasionally, but still injecting enough high-octane action to please its target audience.
Carried by Shepard and co-star Michael Pena's chemistry, but mostly resulting in a misfired comedy that gets by on occasionally clever toilet humor.
A surprisingly effective space thriller, thanks to the polished script, the ensemble cast and director Daniel Espinosa's ability to keep up the momentum.
An awesome feat, showcasing the iconic character with large action, charismatic characters and a unique Vietnam vibe.
Isn't as funny as the trailers convey, but the film's heart-felt story is carried by the weight of its ensemble cast and a solid script by The Duplass Brothers.
A gory and fitting conclusion to the now-famous character, thanks to Hugh Jackman's performance and James Mangold's gritty and hyper-violent direction.
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