These are all the movies and series that The Massie Twins has reviewed. Read more at: Gone With The Twins.
Number of movie reviews: 1326 / 1326
Ultimately, however, The Truman Show would have worked better as a straightforward sci-fi drama. Review
Sergeant York is one of the phoniest of all war pictures, exhibiting limited entertainment value, blandly stereotypical personas, a routine construction, and minimal genuineness. Review
The fight sequences are nicely orchestrated and mirthful, but too much time is spent attempting to flesh out all the interweaving character groups, causing tedious lags. Review
The bulk of this sequel is so shoddily made, ridiculously scripted, and poorly acted that it can barely be considered entertainment. Review
The pared-down nature of the plot means that, despite some decent shots and convincing acting, the originality is comparably negligible; it may be sweet and to-the-point, but its effectiveness is minimal, thanks to a lack of deviations from an overly familiar formula. Review
Even the ambiguity, purposeful or not, lacks engagement, resulting in a seemingly pointless yet thankfully ephemeral examination of a topic so narrow and imprecise and undramatic that it may never find an audience. Review
The dialogue is atrocious and phony, which lends to pitiful comic relief and flimsy conversations to explain motives and intentions. Review
Yet the climax is terribly entertaining... Review
Though this sequel is ultimately not necessary, especially when the story is crafted around repeated mistakes and a seemingly greater number of villains than protagonists, the various expansions on the main concept are moderately amusing – and the finale is curiously hopeful and firmly resolute. Review
Enduringly striking as well is the appearance of Schreck, whose towering, spindly frame, paired with dark eyes, a prodigious nose, pointy ears, bushy eyebrows, spidery fingers, and acicular teeth are almost comical in their exaggerations. Review
Unfortunately, the scripting is generic, leaving Langley with a limited ability to appear sincere. And his nemesis, the outlaw Devlin, similarly fails to inspire dread – largely thanks to trite dialogue and a bland backstory. Review
This series didn’t need a “final” episode, but it’s nevertheless entertaining for what it is – and what it sets out to be. Review
At least viewers are given what they want, with the film culminating in the kind of bloody, extravagant chaos witnessed in the Piranha pictures of the 2010s, transforming into a full-on disaster movie of sorts. Review
Blue Monkey is too silly, unfocused, and poorly designed to have much of an impact. Review
Even in the final moments, when utter darkness seems inevitable, the film is smart enough to give viewers a glimmer of satisfaction; this is an absolutely staggering, breathtaking cinematic experience, even if it embraces high spirits over reality. Review
The humor and sarcasm tend to win out over the flimsy plot. Review
With all of its congruous themes and heart-stopping imagery, this is a tight, creative, sharply-paced, thoroughly entertaining chiller. Review
Although Washington remains utterly absorbing in every frame, it must be mentioned that Hawke does a fine job as well, exhibiting the opposite end of the spectrum. Review
Unfortunately, sensational imagery alone cannot salvage a dearth of originality and vision. Review
Whatever the ultimate purpose behind Galaxina, it’s so pitifully paced and uninterestingly scripted that it’s doomed to fail. Review
Crocodile is simply too uninspired and pitifully conceived to be redeemable... Review
There’s actually a lot at work underneath the main plot, considering that Mickey Rooney’s former horse trainer has a considerable history; a concern that taming a wild animal limits its freedoms weaves its way through the formulaic conditioning... Review
And though it’s ultimately a small, simple story, with its titular role remaining the most memorable component, MGM had quite the winner on its hands... Review
Unfortunately, the exceptionally brief attention paid to that concept makes it feel inconsequential; it’s intermittently easy to forget what the story is supposed to be about – and to care. Review
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