Dit zijn alle films en series die Derrick heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1134 / 1134
The film is competently shot and directed. Sadly, the end result is a mixed bag. I...
A good time for action fans, gorehounds and history buffs!
Entertaining, despite some script points being undercut and rushed.
A barrage of non-stop laughs. Devoid of class or intelligence, but that’s simply not the kind of comedy this was meant to be from the beginning.
May follow a familiar formula, but it tells it in a mostly different way.
The set-up alone drips with potential, but West fails to deliver yet again.
It’s tolerable and that’s about the biggest compliment I can give it.
Winds up being a serviceable superhero flick that pales in comparison to a decade full of outstanding ones thus far!
The performances are the only aspect that save this movie and make it worth a casual viewing.
For horror fans only, but those who appreciate this genre will probably dig this one a lot.
Doesn’t wind up transcending any of its problems and falls victim to being a shitty movie.
Flies in a couple of areas and crashes in nearly every other aspect.
Though it’s messy (in both gore and the tone), this is an enjoyable way to kill some time.
A pretty big letdown in the sense that it could have been big dumb fun.
Really isn’t worth watching as a whole. LISTEN is the best story and TASTE is okay.
The Godfather with elements of The Departed set in Indonesia with tons of kick-ass action scenes.
Winds up being well worth a watch and also might be one of the better horror films to come out this year!
One of the funniest comedies I’ve seen in a very long time!
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