Dit zijn alle films en series die Garry heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Cinema Perspective.
Aantal filmrecensies: 280 / 280
Thought-provoking cinema that intelligently highlights both the significance and insignificance of the marks we leave on the world in our wake. Recensie
Does provide enjoyable escapism, but it’s an example of Besson’s visionary directing rather than impactful or meaningful writing. Recensie
War cinema at its most epic, perfectly showcasing Christopher Nolan’s supreme ability as a director as well as his storytelling gift... Recensie
A thoughtful, emotionally charged and fitting finale to what should be recognised as one of the greatest trilogies in the modern age of filmmaking. Recensie
Far from revolutionary and lacks all the creativity and imagination that its subject possessed... Recensie
An entertaining thrill-ride with no shortage of smarts... Recensie
Jack Lowden is the charming centrepiece of this genuine gem of a movie. Recensie
Brave, bold and brilliantly blood-soaked, splicing top-notch comedy and cartoonish violence with aplomb. Recensie
A beautifully captured cinematic setlist... Recensie
Carefully crafted and smartly executed by Baltasar Kormákur... Recensie
Kidel’s narrative focus switches seamlessly between topics of conversation... Recensie
Baugh handles the low-budget violence deftly, combining with crackers comedy to carve out a bloody and barmy sub-genre... Recensie
There just isn’t enough of a story to captivate throughout. Recensie
The epitome of ‘popcorn fodder’, full of sun-soaked unsavoury stupidity. Recensie
Fun, fierce and fearless in equal measures, and marks a significant improvement in the construction of DC’s extended universe. Recensie
Rooney Mara's on-screen magnetism lends itself perfectly to Roseanne McNulty in one of the performances of the year so far. Recensie
By developing and dissecting the overarching concepts in detail, the ‘fear of the unknown’ tension associated with the original is lost... Recensie
A solid, if slightly forgettable, genre movie... Recensie
Thought-provoking and quietly moving, and Tony’s character study evokes reflection at anyone’s own life. Recensie
Marks a masterful directorial debut from a skilled filmmaker who presents a visceral feast for the eyes and ears... Recensie
As mighty and triumphant as it could have been... Recensie
The storytelling can feel laboured, but Scarlett Johansson's commanding screen presence elevates the material... Recensie
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