Dit zijn alle films en series die Ruth heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FlixChatter.
Aantal filmrecensies: 625 / 625
The production quality is amazing, with breathtaking day and night photography and sweeping aerial shots of the valley. The valley is simply majestic, highly recommend this for any animal/nature fans. Recensie
I like the naturalistic style of the dialog and the way writer/director Katharina Woll presents the narrative in her debut feature. Recensie
There are some historical inaccuracies as well as artistic liberties taken, but I believe Williams does Chevalier’s story justice overall. It does leave me wanting more, but I suppose that is a good thing as we should be compelled to seek out and appreciate his work that was erased by history. Recensie
Overall though, it’s a zippy, entertaining, and emotionally bittersweet ride fueled with a sense of loyalty and familial devotion. Recensie
This is a deliriously entertaining movie with a female-empowerment message about kicking down stifling religious traditions and the patriarchy. Recensie
Kudos to director Emer Reynolds and writer Ailbhe Keogan for tackling mature and dark themes without making the film morose or depressing. On the contrary, there are plenty of moments of levity and hopefulness. Recensie
Through time-lapse and stunning underwater photography, we get an eye-opening look at what’s happening to our ocean’s backbone without descending into a politicized debate about climate change. Recensie
The premise is absolutely fascinating and it’s highly entertaining as well as educational. Recensie
Idris Elba’s always been a charismatic actor and he’s so perfect in this role of a brilliant but flawed detective. Recensie
Jason Sudeikis, Charlie Day, and Jason Bateman are a lot of fun to watch as three friends who conspire to murder their awful bosses... Recensie
Härö has truly crafted a poignant and achingly moving tale of love and loss. I have to say I connect more to this story than with The Banshees movie. Recensie
Though her direction may be lacking in nuances, the movie has so much heart and showcases her flair for tackling comedy. Recensie
Yes, it’s predictable and I could see exactly where the story is going but it doesn’t make the journey any less enjoyable. Recensie
The Hamlet Syndrome is not an easy watch, but it’s not without tender and even moments of levity between father/mother and son/daughter doing simple everyday things such as playing Ping Pong or picking fruits from a tree… while always reminding us that death is never far away. Recensie
Moll has crafted a taut, engrossing film that astutely delves into the psyche of the people trying to solve the case. Recensie
Andini keeps the pace deliberate, wallowing in melancholy and a deep sense of longing. The way the narrative often tethers between dreams and reality can be frustrating and beguiling in equal measure. Some might call it plodding but for me, there’s something mesmerizing in about its quiet elegance. Recensie
I love that the movie features original music by Donnie Emerson himself and the sun-kissed, lush visuals by DP Arnaud Potier are enchanting. The overly melancholic tone and slow pacing drag the film a bit, but it does offer plenty of opportunities to mull over the themes the movie presents. Recensie
For fans of Nic Cage, this movie is still well worth a watch as Count Dracula even though he’s not the main character. I just wish the movie deserved his and Hoult’s committed performances. Overall I was left wanting more as the filmmakers squander so many opportunities to make Renfield a horror-comedy classic. Recensie
I certainly count this as one of the most memorable dog movies, one that’s as heartwarming as it is uplifting. Recensie
It won’t be hyperbolic to say this is one of the best movies of the year so far. I walk away feeling inspired and entertained in equal measure. Recensie
Ultimately this movie is so formulaic and quintessentially mediocre, and it also makes another irritating faux pas of wasting its talented cast. Recensie
The Good House is not perfect but I wish Hollywood would make more of this type of dramedies with seasoned actors. Recensie
It’s slow going at first but I was enamored by the story of an underdog who dreams of life in outer space. Recensie
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