Dit zijn alle films en series die Ruth heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FlixChatter.
Aantal filmrecensies: 625 / 625
Well, both are truly Oscar-worthy! Oh man, if only Viola won this year, she was incredible! I’m not overly fond of the film itself overall... Recensie
What a fascinating life, it just makes me love Betty White even more after watching this. Recensie
It’s a strange, surreal film about a man who live through several centuries, even becoming a woman! Recensie
Another fascinating documentary about a subject I’m not familiar with, and what a perfect title! Recensie
It’s a fascinating subject about a handful of 70-80 year-old Italian men hunting for the rare and expensive white Alba truffle. Recensie
This dueling monsters flick was the first movie I watched in April. You know what, I didn’t hate it. Recensie
Kodachrome isn’t the greatest family drama out there, but still worth a watch for Harris’ performance that always elevates the material. Recensie
Overall, despite Pfeiffer’s delightful performance, this movie doesn’t really stick in my mind long after its closing credits. It’s as if the writer is only interested in making the characters bizarre for its own sake instead of people we can connect or relate to in a meaningful way. Recensie
Thank you, Tom Moore + co. for giving us nearly two hours of beautiful visual feast to escape to. Recensie
I’d say it’s worth a rent only if you’re a huge fan of the cast, but they’re way better in other films. Recensie
Overall I feel like the documentary feels a bit style-over-substance, which I can see why they did it given Audrey was such a style icon. Still I think the film was made with love and I’m glad it also highlights her remarkable life off-screen as a passionate humanitarian. Recensie
Just the cast alone is intriguing, but the movie is pretty weird and borderline bizarre at times, but the French scenery and costumes are wonderful! Recensie
All the actors portraying those historical figures did a terrific job here. Recensie
The darn thing is 4 hours long, if they can’t flesh out at least a single character in that time frame, then what the heck is the point?? Visually it’s just not a beautiful movie either, garish and overly morose. Recensie
It’s such a delightful, funny and quirky movie! Recensie
Started out promising and it tries hard to be edgy, but falls flat and overall a pretty boring, predictable movie with a weak ending. Recensie
It does highlight the history of Afro-Germans, but I think that story deserved a better film. Recensie
It’s a bizarre film and at times I have no idea where the filmmaker was going w/ it, but still worth a watch for La Pfeiffer’s elegantly-quirky performance. Recensie
Overall CRISIS is an engaging thriller that’s pretty easy to follow. Recensie
The Father is an astounding film that shows us what it means to be human and the harsh reality of aging. Recensie
A hopeful, feel-good story is something we all need today, and this is one that a whole family could enjoy for years to come as well. Recensie
I’m not sure The Mauritanian does Mohamedou’s memoir justice nor is it the best movies about post-911, but no doubt its heart is in the right place. Recensie
It’s a study of restraint in its minimalism, almost stripped bare of frills in terms of special effects or unnecessary dialog, but done to great effect. Recensie
I have to say this movie is not for everyone, but if you can stomach morally bankrupt characters and vile stench of a plot, it’s certainly entertaining. Recensie
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