Dit zijn alle films en series die Ruth heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FlixChatter.
Aantal filmrecensies: 617 / 617
The movie is basically a giant chase scene. Recensie
If you’re a big fan of the series, I suggest just wait for a rental. Recensie
So despite some fun moments, overall it’s just hard for me to feel invested in Kirk & co.’s journey this time around. Recensie
I wish this were a better movie but one thing for sure, the main cast made for a winning foursome. Recensie
I think the fun personality of the pets, thanks to a talented ensemble of voice cast, makes this movie enjoyable despite the flaws. Recensie
As far as Summer popcorn flick go, it offers an adequate escapist good time. Recensie
There’s so much style & sophistication in abundance here, but never at the expense of story & character. Recensie
An impressive film that offers a unique twist to an often-told sci-fi tale. Recensie
Such a fun, enjoyable ride of a movie that’s also smart AND has a big heart. Recensie
Quite mesmerizing and I now count this as one of my favorite vampire films. Recensie
Quite an absorbing psychological drama... Recensie
Beckinsale is utterly bewitching in this role... Recensie
Despite my frustration with some aspects of the film, I still have to give it top marks for originality and thought-provoking ideas. Recensie
The story is so cheesy and inherently silly, but it’s still amusing to watch simply because it’s Prince! Recensie
There are predictable moments throughout, but it’s got genuine humor and a big, big heart. Recensie
Hawke’s got that pinning look down pat every time he looks at Paltrow, and she definitely captured that ‘icy rich girl’ aura. Recensie
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