Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1095 / 1095
That isn’t to take away from the brilliance of the filmmaking, even if I got lost in the plot more often than not. Recensie
The gender swap of the titular character didn’t bring much new to the concept, which has been redone to death. Recensie
This is a PHENOMENAL animated film that needs to be seen by all of the people that can get their hands on it. Recensie
It is grand in scale and it is filled to the brim with the sort of cinematography we’ve come to expect from Dr. George Miller and his brilliant eye for filmmaking. Recensie
A fun, action packed film that sometimes gets in its own way. Recensie
I laughed once. It was at Thomas Lennon, who is a very funny individual. Outside of this the film is a failure in every meaning of the word... Recensie
Speaking of teenagers I believe this is something they’d call mid. It suffers from annoying dialogue syndrome. Recensie
It’s a wonderfully crafted, if a little formulaic, romantic comedy that is all the right parts romantic and just funny enough to be considered a comedy. Recensie
Director Benoît Delhomme gets caught up in making the film look like something rather then feeling like something or having enough substance. Recensie
A technically brilliant piece of cinema and one of 2024’s truly best films. Acting, aces. Direction, solid. Script, top notch. Recensie
Guy Ritchie always has a way of making these action films with just enough personality. Recensie
This is a simple film that has some very okay effects. Recensie
Come for the controversial subject matter stay for the solid acting and interesting direction. Recensie
There’s some things to like here and I love a good Latin American success story but I won’t give a film a pass for that if I can’t even remember enjoying it. Recensie
Another fun endeavor from Adam Rehmeier mind of madness. Recensie
Solid performances and a hilarious premise are all grafted together super well. Recensie
It’s fun enough for non-horror junkies to enjoy while balancing the screams, and the gore enough for all of you lovely degenerate horror fans to enjoy. Recensie
An incredible piece of cinema. One that’ll leave you breathless and exhausted. Phenomenal. Recensie
If you want something wholly original and fun and just a bit romantic (in multiple ways) then this is the film for you. Recensie
I want to see big lizard boy destroy cities and big gorilla bro beat stuff up. There’s a little bit of that but not enough. Recensie
A truly tremendous period piece horror flick! Recensie
Sydney Sweeney was excellent in Anyone But You which was material that she delivered well enough even if it feels like she’s sleepwalking through every film she is in. Recensie
It isn’t fun. It isn’t as funny as it should be for having the prefix title Ghostbusters. Either do better or please for the love of everything put this franchise out of it’s misery. Recensie
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