Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1087 / 1087
A very meh film about consumption, animal rights and the power of friendship... Recensie
A bloody good time that cast a crimson net all over everything it touches. Recensie
It does enough to get some giggles out of me. That’s really all the film is worth. Recensie
Rachel Weisz continues to show why she’s one of the most underrated actresses working today. Recensie
A hard concept to get behind but once you do its a journey worth taking. Recensie
While not the strongest comedy it certainly has moments of funny. Recensie
If you want a story of grief and love and healing, it’s definitely for you! Recensie
Sadly I cannot in good conscience recommend this film. Recensie
A fairly compelling thriller is driven by a strong lead performance... Recensie
Unless you’re a particular fan of Brad Pitt, there is nothing about War Machine that is especially worthwhile. Recensie
A script that is as paper thin as its characters... Recensie
Pappas’ charm and naivety make her character so much more likable. Recensie
It’s not good but it is by no means bad. This movie goes as Cranston’s performance does. Recensie
It subverts some of the tropes of a war movie while poking fun at the right ones. Recensie
Takes the spectacular source material and makes a meh film. Recensie
Has subtle but great performances. Recensie
You’d be hard pressed to find a more entertaining action film in 2017... Recensie
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