Dit zijn alle films en series die Jack heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Roobla.
Aantal filmrecensies: 259 / 259
A clever indie horror that embarks on the nature of campfire storytelling with a unique horrific vision. Recensie
Star Trek Into Darkness is a rip-roaring blockbuster, funny, well acted and at time of writing 2013’s blockbuster to beat, see this on the biggest screen possible! Recensie
A smart globetrotting thriller, which opens up timely issues to debate and features a breakout performance by Riz Ahmed. Recensie
Goes downhill fast becoming foreseeable and not especially enjoyable. Recensie
Appears to be an artistic statement without the punch; there is occasional fun but very little actual atmosphere. Recensie
Well acted but lags in excitement in parts. Recensie
Cements the franchise as one of the most regressive in cinema history, as it continues with this laughter-allergic fifth instalment. Recensie
Only intermittently entertaining and bogged down by too much over-familiarity in the writing and too little impact overall. Recensie
An effective, if flawed, low budget horror with very good effects and a paranoiac narrative. Recensie
Predictable to a tee but has a great warm heart. Recensie
Joe fans will be way happier than they were the first time round. Recensie
Whilst it is light on details it is heavy on heart and intention. Recensie
The film that Contagion should have been, gripping, meaningful and scary (but not for the most obvious reasons). Recensie
Obscure, obsessive and essential. Room 237 is one of the best films about watching films ever made. Recensie
Not big on originality but the cast lend it a fun factor. Recensie
Is an intermittently fun but ultimately disposable sequel with no real villain to challenge our heroes. Recensie
May be somewhat disappointing but there are still Saturday matinee thrills to be had with this sequel. Recensie
Extinguishes a lavish cast with an unfunny gross out dross and is already a contender for worst film of 2013. Recensie
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