Dit zijn alle films en series die Alex heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 696 / 696
Occasional moments of situational humor work well, but these come off as exceptions more than anything else. Recensie
The major narrative throughline is a strong and heartfelt story. Unfortunately, it is brought down by the numerous things surrounding it. Recensie
Somewhat competent cinematically, incompetent narratively. Recensie
Leaves you both empty-handed and wanting more. Recensie
It’s no masterpiece, but its humor and competent narrative keep it from feeling like the haphazard messes that the two previous DC entries have been. Recensie
The narrative provides enough twists and turns to entertain a zombie enthusiast. Recensie
Has an ambitious narrative diversion from the normal marriage plots. But the execution of this narrative is sloppy at best. Recensie
As a straight drama about the plight of the soldier, it can only be seen in bright, effective glimpses. Recensie
The swashbuckling story remains a distinctly Pirates one, but it is over-loaded and heavy, dragging pacing down in the progress. Recensie
The few jump scares don’t make up for a general lack of suspense in the film. Recensie
Incoherence both visually and narratively denies the film from having any credibility. Recensie
An odd, detached sequel to the Alien franchise. Recensie
Overall, the writing is just too on the nose. Recensie
It may not rise to the level of getting under the skin as it intends to, but it tows the line between satire and the dread of an earnest thriller well. Recensie
Witty and humorous as it is, it suffers from its stylized pacing issues and uninspired use of source material. Recensie
By no means is it the worse, but it was the first film in the series to show cracks in the otherwise full-proof high concept mold. Recensie
It doesn’t help any that none of the characters we are introduced to have any discernible voice or characterization. Recensie
Without narrative cohesion and pacing, the film trickles by with only a handful of laughs to be had. Recensie
The flashy direction and snappy editing does not make up for the lack of engrossing action in the long-term. Recensie
This ambition is wasted on a final product that doesn’t allow its thought-provoking questions to spell out a similarly fascinating story. Recensie
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