Dit zijn alle films en series die Alex heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 696 / 696
Takes the big and the small of the situation and blends them without losing sight of the central figure. Recensie
The rare film with a clear dividing line of quality, and it is a radical shift on that axis. Recensie
Presents a complex and unique understanding of the human psyche post-trauma. Recensie
Plot points are predicated on “chance,” making the entire film feel all the more fabricated. Recensie
A conventional romance narrative wrapped in a lush, vibrant overcoat of musical nostalgia. Recensie
A political drama for political drama fans whose lead actress makes the film what it is. Recensie
A monotonous drudge through a premise with no narrative legs. Recensie
It presents a double-layered narrative that, at first glance, is inherently intriguing. Recensie
With its refreshing approach to screenwriting and its powerful lead performances, it is simply not to be missed. Recensie
In its attempt at being profound, something much less. Recensie
A messy film that dawdles where it needs not and expedites where it should develop. Recensie
Not a lazy attempt at profits, is a colossal mishandling of horror convention. Recensie
The entire cast, armed with strong performances, do their best to salvage the film from being a series of hit or miss bits, but it simply is not enough. Recensie
An overlong mess, at times poignant but mostly nonsense strung together in an attempt at something meaningful. Recensie
Plays off the strengths of its two leads to shirk the sanitized, by the book period narrative. Recensie
A throwaway boxing movie if there’s ever been one. Recensie
Creating a franchise out of such a rocky narrative foundation may prove a lofty task for Rowling moving forward. Recensie
A seemingly innocent pocket of internet culture revealed to be something much siniste... Recensie
Villeneuve has succeeded again at creating a film that is both cinematic and narratively strong. Recensie
There is a drab emptiness to the proceedings that is woefully apparent throughout... Recensie
Has the viscera, the heart, and the production behind it to provide a strong addition to the genre. Recensie
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