Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 915 / 915
This is a better superhero movie than many, since it takes time to build an interesting set of characters. But, for me, it managed to lose its way during the execution... Recensie
And this IS a comedy. Well-written with lines that made me laugh throughout. I hope this gets the cinema distribution it deserves, since this should go down as a comedy classic. Recensie
Clever, intelligent and well-observed movie about a long term married relationship. Recommended if you can relate to those words. Recensie
This is a surprising and innovative British film that deserves your attention. It is funny and moving in equal measure and marks Charlotte Regan as a director to watch for the future. But I did find the inconsistency in the style to be irritating and frustrating. Recensie
I’m sure if all of the jokes landed for you it was a fire-hosing of comedy. As a movie for me, it certainly wasn’t a bust, and I would watch it again, but it felt like a good opportunity missed. Recensie
It’s Bond, Jane Bond. And Bond-lite at that. But I rather enjoyed this as silly and mindless entertainment. Recensie
This is a good old-fashioned kind of film. A biopic told in a linear and unflashy way. Recensie
The story is so wishy-washy and nondescript, it’s was difficult for me to get readily invested in it. Recensie
In the huge pantheon of ‘zombie’ films it’s difficult to create a film that genuinely stands out, but Boyle manages to do it with 28 Days Later. Recensie
The story is bat-shit crazy and full of holes. Recensie
It’s not a terrible film by any means. But it didn’t really grab me either. Recensie
There’s a lot to irritate you about this movie, but I’ve gone and given it three-and-a-half stars regardless. Because I really did enjoy the ride. This could have been a bit of a classic if some of the rough edges had been smoothed out. Recensie
This is a solid, well-made animated story that will keep the kids busy for an afternoon during the summer holidays. Recensie
It’s a classic film, and just SOOOOO good to see again on the big screen. Putting the rampant mysogyny to one side, its a comic treat that still delights nearly 65 years late. Recensie
This is a near perfect documentary, as you would expect with A24’s name on it. Recensie
It has a lot of positives (not least of which the stunning debut performance by Sophie Wilde). But it also has some very rough edges. Recensie
Grim stuff, but Nolan has produced a devestatingly brilliant overview of the controversial man’s life and work and this is a MUST SEE. Recensie
I normally feel a bit let down by thrillers, but this one exceeded my expectations. A well-crafted twisty-turny script that always keeps you guessing. Recensie
Solid and predictable, this doesn’t break any new cinematic ground. As a park-your-brain horror thriller, it might appeal late on a Saturday night with a curry and a few beers. Recensie
But to me, overall this comes around a par with Fallout and so a tad below my personal favourite Rogue Nation. Recensie
The problem with Pixar is that I expect brilliance and perfection, and – personally speaking – this really didn’t hit that bar for me this time. Recensie
Its by no means a terrible film. But it’s another of those that I will struggle to remember in a few week’s time. Recensie
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