Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 915 / 915
But this was a really fun watch for me and it looked like all the kids had a great time too. So this comes with a strong recommendation for parents to fill some of the summer holiday void with a trip to the cinema. Recensie
This is an uneven comedy/drama that fires on some cylinders but not others. Recensie
A stone cold classic that has weathered well. Unlike many 80’s films, there is nothing non-PC that makes you go “ooh, really”! Recensie
Many of these gags land and are funny. Others fall like a dead-weight to the floor. But either way you feel exhausted as smoke rises from the gag-o-meter and it then gives up and explodes. Recensie
A fun animated feature that’s deservedly doing very well. Recensie
A mildly diverting 2 hours, but I felt like it should have been so much better. Recensie
For all of its dubious sexism, this is still a classic movie. It was wonderful to see it again on the big screen and I had so much fun doing so. Recensie
Given the strong positive vibes from some reviewers of this one, I perhaps went in with my hopes a little too elevated. But in the end I came away disappointed. Recensie
Chuck Chuck Baby should be added to the list of films such as Four Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill and Love Actually that are popularly regarded as great, classic feel-good British movies. Recensie
As a rom-com set against a momentus moment in human history, it entertained me to a degree and, I think, would particularly entertain viewers of a similar crinkly age. Recensie
It’s good gory fun but, for me, it didn’t quite reach the heights of Pearl which I enjoyed more. Recensie
It’s a cracking little motion picture, typical of the sort of tight and well-executed thrillers that they used to make in the 70’s and which there are not enough equivalents of today. Recensie
The usher on the way out asked if I’d enjoyed it. Rather like my recent viewing of The Beast, I didn’t have a clear answer for him. But with retrospect, yes, I really think I did. Recensie
I wasn’t sure going in, but I ultimately enjoyed this one a lot. A good, exciting popcorn action film that had an unexpected hero and a memorable ending. Recensie
It’s OK. It doesn’t have the armchair gripping tension of Fall. Neither does it have the style of Blake Lively (or her orange bikini!) in The Shallows. But it is a watchable little shark movie that keeps you guessing about who will and who won’t make it through. Recensie
Despite all its flaws, the film’s stories will compel me to go back to the cinema to see Chapter 2. Recensie
It’s not going to make my list of favourite films of the year, But it undeniably has a certain je ne sais quoi that should demand the attention of cinephiles. Recensie
For a film of this type, it’s not half bad. I just wish the ending had been better. Recensie
There was much trepidation about this sequel given that the original was so beloved. But, from my point of view, they have just about pulled it off. Recensie
It is thoughtful, intelligent and brilliantly acted, especially by the marvellous Vicky Krieps. Recensie
An interesting and different take on the Titanic story that zealots of the subject should watch. With a very low budget though, it’s a bit creaky round the edges. Recensie
An interesting film that will be somewhat Marmite for an average audience. Overall though, I enjoyed it. Recensie
As a popcorn action film, it’s eminently watchable. But it doesn’t feel much different from the last film and I felt it was trying too hard with its comedy. Recensie
This is a terrific film that the whole family can enjoy together. It has drama, humour, action and a truly inspiring story of one woman’s fight against the patriarchy in 1920’s America. Recensie
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