These are all the movies and series that Don has reviewed. Read more at: Every Movie Has a Lesson.
Number of movie reviews: 704 / 704
Feels ten years too late to make any resounding statement. Review
The humor is naturally vulgar and dark, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Review
Your jaw will never drop in any of those directions and you’ll only be moved to check your watch repeatedly. Review
Acidic with its dark humor and dialogue and stylishly appointed even when dirty and bloody... Review
The flaws come from the film’s effusive route of philosophy... Review
Peculiarity rules over spectacle with minimal loss of entertainment. Review
Has a point and makes it while still traversing humanity’s natural waters with its innate penchant for improvisation. Review
The importance was the stance of its message, and Webb kept it on point, earned the dramatic heft, and avoided full-on preaching. Review
Carries a nearly strict reliance on suggestion and atmosphere over exploitation. Review
The rest of the cast tune themselves to ultra-serious and sap away any possible zeal. Review
In stirringly entertaining fashion, each actor finds a way to surprise us with flashes of maturity, gumption, profundity, sentiment, and even flat-out heart. Review
The local flavor coming from the appreciable storytelling makes for a non-fiction film as chummy as the venue itself. Review
Plays to an almost self-aware level, which is fun. To the film’s credit, those results are occasionally uneven, yet never fully predictable. Review
Watson is courageous and just fine with her heroine work. Review
Dispenses with myth and lore and jumps to the mashing and clashing we all dreamt about since slamming plastic toys together as kids. Review
The totality of the scope, suspense, misdirection, and thrills make it an outstanding original success and raucous big-screen experience. Review
Incoming Call certainly and smartly will keep you watching, but it will leave you wanting more, not just clarity, but commitment. Review
Might just be the most mature and reflective comic book film of this era. Review
The real cause of derailment will be its ridiculousness, no matter how beautiful it is. Review
This is cinematic carnival bumper cars with all of the wild tangents representing the carny food confection. Review
Brilliant intelligence merges with maddening truths in a truly compelling exhibition. Review
Asa Butterfield's smile and wide-eyed worldview are charming and contagious. The kid’s got spirit and so does the movie. Review
Almodovar has a remarkable way in which his films extract emotionality and sensual ardor from mundane settings and artful melodrama. Review
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