Dit zijn alle films en series die Victor heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Dirty Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1064 / 1064
Russia has no time for kindness and solidarity, in this hellish portrayal of a woman in search of her incarcerated husband... Recensie
A breathtaking sexual and psychological thriller in no way inferior to Swimming Pool... Recensie
An extremely urgent denunciation tool and piece of filmmaking. Recensie
Biopic of the French sculptor Auguster Rodin lacks movement, energy and vigour - unlike the vibrant pieces by the artist... Recensie
Feels a little trite if you are familiar with Haneke’s filmography and cinematic trademarks. Recensie
A very effective tale of urban life malaise, plus a lighthearted study of a mental breakdown, with excellent acting and a sturdy hand at the helm. Recensie
Impeccable in style and profoundly subversive in its subject... Recensie
This extremely violent Korean thriller tries it very hard, but it's not going to hit you in the face... Recensie
This is very human cinema, arresting for its simplicity. Recensie
A very straightforward eulogy to a living legend. Still a very pleasant, didactic and commendable one. Recensie
A combination of extreme violence and realism are not a surefire recipe for a good movie... Recensie
You won't die laughing with this extremely long, caustic and strange Scandinavian comedy, but the movie does have some arresting and clever moments... Recensie
Reveals the immense importance of Leon Vitali's work both before and after Stanley Kubrick's death. Recensie
Sadly these promises do not materialise. The film slowly morphs into a action thriller dotted with a few poetical devices. Recensie
Excels in ingeniousness and technical wizardry, but the story gets a little diluted in own complexity. Recensie
This charming British indie takes a peek inside the colourful imagination of an adolescent, and the outcome is delicate and dainty. Recensie
This Austrian drama about two gay men and a cat is almost certain to move animal lovers, but others may find it a little petty. Recensie
Spectacularly inventive and original in its technical wizardry and ludicrous self-satire, but it's not without shortcomings. Recensie
This lighthearted and unpretentious blend of romcom and career drama set in London lends a whole new meaning to the expression "boy next door". Recensie
This quintessentially British comedy will elicit laughter if you grew up in the British Isles... Recensie
Heartwrenching tale of organ donation is extremely profound and graphic in its depiction of a transplant... Recensie
Succeeds to expose both problems and the destructive consequences for the afflicted with a very gentle and effective approach. Recensie
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