Dit zijn alle films en series die The Massie Twins heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Gone With The Twins.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1326 / 1326
It’s also impressive that so much of The Flash involves having two versions of Miller appear onscreen simultaneously, allowing them to create a lighthearted repartee. But when it’s reiterated often that time is inconsequential, or that characters are caught in an endless paradox, it’s difficult to dismiss just how rickety the time-travel-as-a-bowl-of-spaghetti concept is... Recensie
Odd occurrences, idiosyncratic interplay, and curious conversations abound, but little of it is genuinely moving or exciting; the substance here is conspicuously lacking, even with its decided unpredictability. Recensie
This may not be one of Pixar’s more surpassing works, but it’s nonetheless pleasant and reasonably entertaining. Recensie
Many of the happenings are mostly anticipated, with minimal surprises, as if something of an incarceration procedural. Still, moments are reserved for cathartic release; when the antagonists are portrayed to such heightened degrees of vileness, their comeuppances are horrifyingly enthralling. Recensie
All of these components coalesce into an unusually silly ordeal, yet it’s difficult not to be amused by the violence, the vampire bloodshed, and the last-minute injections of bouncing cleavage. Recensie
By the end, the continual running and fighting grows monotonous; when the two lead humans can’t die, and the collection of hero Transformers seem impervious to virtually everything, the stakes are too low to muster emotional investment. Recensie
Miles is still a fitting lead with a perspective infrequently examined in big-budget ventures; and the soundtrack is bold and thunderous. But, taking a cue from Avengers: Infinity War, this sequel isn’t even close to being a complete story... Recensie
At least it’s a good-looking production, with its original blend of 3D stylization (bordering on a live-action look) overlaid with 2D shading effects. Recensie
This tale may have familiar hallmarks of other down-to-earth, family-focused, teen-oriented dramas, as well as a certain un-cinematic quality of incredibly ordinary, sensible, intermittently guessable happenings, but it still manages to present engaging personas pursuing emotional endeavors. Recensie
Butler is a dependable action star, in the same vein as Liam Neeson, but this production is about as bland and unmemorable as they get. Recensie
The music and the basic plot are still exceptional, but this modernization can’t come close to capturing the magic of its three-decades-older inspiration. Recensie
Though the majority of the players are unmemorable, it’s admittedly amusing to see so many returning stars and cameos. Recensie
The presentation here is one of regular tedium; no matter the importance of this subject, or the need for certain audiences to absorb it, this production is a tremendous bore. Recensie
Though the premise is entirely original, it’s thoroughly messy and occasionally nonsensical. Recensie
It’s all a touch too simple and uninspiring, despite an undoubtedly wry script. Recensie
Hilu may not have been the most important artist to scrutinize, but Golod nevertheless does a commendable job of making him a cinematic figure. Recensie
It ought to end the way that it does, cinematically shifting tragedy into fulfillment, but the journey is tremendously ineffectual. Recensie
Despite the regular violence, the scaly creature costumes, the mad scientist, and the otherworldly voodoo, the film isn’t creative enough to hold much interest. Recensie
Though the sets and locales for the first few numbers are engaging, the songs themselves are largely minimal and forgettable. Recensie
There isn’t much of a story, instead resorting to the lens simply loitering around the minimal enterprises of an Italian hood and his connections. Recensie
The premise is essentially an elaborate, big-budget Star Trek episode, full of side missions that do absolutely nothing other than segue to other side missions, until a final showdown is imminent. Recensie
Fully embracing car culture, yet without the over-the-top slang abused in the previous picture, this third chapter dispenses with the undercover cop missions and action-packed showdowns with cartel kingpins to dwell on a specific car community and racing scene that appears initially more grounded than before. Recensie
Though it’s still a cops-and-robbers type of premise, little about it feels as if a genuine endeavor at crime drama. Recensie
However, even as the plot begins to almost identically resemble Point Break, it’s evident that the real purpose of this production is fast-car porn. Recensie
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