Dit zijn alle films en series die The Massie Twins heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Gone With The Twins.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1326 / 1326
Along with Cole’s carefree attitude, a considerable amount of humor weaves its way through the script, punctuating the typical Western conflicts with hilarious moments of deception and flirting. Recensie
With its greater resources, the film also enjoys more sets, more props (and costumes and Muppet-like animatronics), and more computer animation – none of which increases the quality or the entertainment value. Recensie
Unexpectedly, much of the ludicrousness works: the misadventures pose a decided cheeriness, the modern soundtrack complements the eccentricity, the leads’ unyielding positivity is inspiring, and the humor musters laughs. Recensie
Plenty of humor snakes its way into the premise, but its effectiveness rests somewhere in the 50% range. Recensie
A Quiet Place Part II may not be as solid as its predecessor, but it’s an impressively designed, nicely matched, thoroughly entertaining follow-up that deserves to be seen on the big screen. Recensie
The movie keeps getting sillier, more careless with its plotting, more pointless with its killing spree, and sloppier in its execution, until it culminates in a staggeringly absurd, drawn-out, unexciting showdown. Recensie
Despite the familiar themes and acceptable performances, the subplots become tedious, the running time overbearing, and the content increasingly dull... Recensie
The bloodiness has increased right alongside the sex and nudity, utilizing modest CG but more impressive amounts of practical effects that simply look better and age better. Recensie
The film is rarely interested in exploring these concepts, instead routinely returning to gore, nakedness, and even action and adventure. Recensie
The phoniness is pervasive, blunting any chance at genuine excitement. Recensie
It’s never as hokey as Death Race 2000, but it certainly shares its penchant for mayhem. Recensie
The heisting in this picture is in top form. Recensie
Whimsical musical notes to supplement steely characters or actions isn’t enough to counter the grimness, nor are complementary missions smart enough to feel necessary. But the finale is a welcome surprise (of sorts), returning to the dependable romance of lighthearted fantasy. Recensie
The more than two-hour picture is simply too stretched out for a comedy – and there are several too many singing-and-dancing routines, as if Victor Victoria is a variety show on top of a role-reversal farce. Recensie
With such an engaging start, the final revelations are a major letdown – so great, in fact, that it will be interesting to see if this picture manages enough commercial success to warrant the follow-up story... Recensie
But a considerable amount of this film is posturing and flexing and stalling; the actual plot is mostly uneventful, doing little other than adding details about the various characters – of which there are too many. Recensie
Ultimately, however, much of it looks like mediocre cosplay, while the climax devolves into a mess of pitiful CG animalities – video game finishing moves that definitely shouldn’t have been translated into the realm of cinema. Recensie
It’s the best of the Mortal Kombat feature films, but that’s saying virtually nothing. Recensie
The leads are so good (working with a strong script by Arthur Laurents) that the events surrounding their relationship rarely feel as significant. Recensie
Many of the physical gimmicks and stunts are complex, dangerous, and brilliantly arranged. And yet, as they flounder through the act of staying alive, there’s also a sweetness and a pleasant romantic quality to their ordeal; Treadway may be incompetent, but he’s always a gentleman. Recensie
The epic romance never really evolves or culminates, though Anna’s hope that she’s set into motion an unstoppably progressive, gradual curtailing of showy, barbaric rule is undeniably gratifying. Recensie
Like the best sports movies, Hoosiers isn’t just about basketball. Second chances, willingness to embrace change, moving beyond troubled pasts, sticking up for others, and standing up to an intimidating majority are key concepts, handled with sincerity and potency. Recensie
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