Dit zijn alle films en series die The Massie Twins heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Gone With The Twins.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1326 / 1326
Without Karen Black's exceptional performances, this trilogy of terror wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining. Recensie
Rich with forbidding details and impressive scare tactics. Recensie
It’s positively dismaying, in a good way, culminating in a chase – and chaos – that is as unforgettable as it is disorienting and cryptic. Recensie
Isn’t smart sci-fi; instead, it’s boilerplate survival horror, preoccupied with death, destruction, and monsters. Recensie
A thoroughly entertaining, triumphant venture. Recensie
It’s a dull, unimaginative tromp through the whimsical world of the Hundred Acre Wood. Recensie
As the minutes tick away, the gags grow odder, the getaways become less sensible, and McKinnon’s quirks expand into otherworldly hijinks. Recensie
Martial arts fights are tense, while heists are nicely chaotic and the protracted chase scenes are mesmerizing. Recensie
Is unpolished in spots, but it’s a major, influential stepping stone in the neo-noir movement. Recensie
Fleeting tension and a noticeable absence of surprises. Sinatra’s character might be amusing, but this latest adventure is terribly dull. Recensie
Sinatra remains watchable as ever – a moderately hard-boiled, neo-noir private eye who surely lent to the stylings seen in “Chinatown.”... Recensie
Montages are used well, but comic relief supporting players stretch out the running time with unnecessary repetition... Recensie
Although it takes a bit longer than anticipated, the plot thickens... Recensie
The excitement is always alternated by failed humor or general slowness. Recensie
Desperately needs a charismatic hero, a dependable antagonist, a stirring theme tune, and several heavy doses of sincerity... Recensie
A fascinating, original sci-fi setup, nicely expanded into feature-film material. Recensie
It makes little difference, since the revelations are entirely predictable and the assemblage of villains serve only as fodder for ruthless slaughtering. Recensie
The plot has countless holes and jumps in sensible progression – something that could have been avoided... Recensie
It’s all terribly silly, but Dwayne Johnson has a knack for never taking any of it too seriously, which allows viewers to enjoy the outright inanity... Recensie
It falls short of the innovative fights and size-changing obstacles that were so visually dazzling just a few years ag. Recensie
This latest endeavor suggests that a never-ending series of monotonous, formulaic, CG-heavy blockbusters will be all that this property has in store for the future. Recensie
It’s an off-the-wall fable full of riddles and metaphors and even a hint of playful romance. Recensie
The zombie shenanigans carry on too long and reveal some unfortunate repetition, but the main idea is thoroughly entertaining. Recensie
The pacing could have been tighter, but the structuring is smart and the ending is spot on... Recensie
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