These are all the movies and series that Ruth has reviewed. Read more at: FlixChatter.
Number of movie reviews: 622 / 622
I equate watching Downton Abbey to having a relaxing afternoon tea with friends… it’s a comforting endeavor while you let yourself be buoyed by mild, genteel entertainment Fellowes has mastered to perfection. Review
I really enjoy this one despite some sluggish moments. I guess I don’t mind slow-burn type films with heavy dialog, so long as it’s well-crafted and the performances are engaging. Pine and Newton are such charismatic actors on top of being very easy on the eye. Review
There are intriguing ideas here that work quite well, so it’s definitely well worth your time. Review
Tall Girl 2 is a pretty entertaining movie with a positive message about self-acceptance and valuing true friendships and sisterhood. Review
This Doctor Strange sequel just feels a bit too much for me… so many things hurled at you all at once in maddening speed. So despite some memorable scenes and good performances, this movie isn’t one I’m keen on watching again anytime soon. Review
Pointless and unfunny, I think the only watchable thing is Pedro Pascal, but the rest is unwatchable… Review
This one lacks emotional resonance and the hilarity wears off far too soon before the inevitable, predictable conclusion. Review
Husson’s direction, lensed by Jamie Ramsay, is beautiful to look at, but I wish it were more affecting. Drenched in melancholy, the few poignant moments are only a few and far in between. Review
I was more enamored by Michelle Yeoh than the movie itself. There’s a sensory overload from the myriads of ideas being erratically thrown together that the familial and philosophical themes often get lost amidst the chaos. That said, I applaud the originality of the filmmakers’ vision and the inventive filmmaking style. Review
The Lost City doesn’t earn brownie points for originality, but this is a prime example where the fun rapport of the cast can elevate a so-so script. Review
I’m so impressed with Moore’s direction here and all the more impressive considering this is his directorial debut. Review
Instead of exciting and suspenseful, I find the movie tedious and overly slow. It’s less than 2 hours long but definitely feels longer and the mind games are neither tense nor chilling. Review
Shawn Levy might have been the right director for the job, it’s just the script is stale and staunchly unoriginal despite having no less than four writers credited. Review
On top of the positive reinforcements about body positivity and embracing one’s own uniqueness, this is such a fun, joyful movie for adults and kids alike. Review
I absolutely adore this movie… it’s an intimate portrait of an unconventional family that genuinely tugs my heartstrings. Review
Somehow I didn’t even know this movie existed and it turns out to be such a delightfully quirky movie! Review
Overall it was just ok for me, the songs aren’t all that memorable and it gets a bit too overly sentimental for my liking. Review
The French Dispatch is an amusing movie that’s fun to look at, but kind of feels empty. Review
I absolutely adore Cyrano… it’s pure cinematic escapism that’s exquisite in every sense of the word. Review
So while I appreciate what the filmmaker is trying to do and some of the intriguing choices he made, ultimately the film didn’t quite work for me. I’m glad I saw it, mostly because of Stewart’s performance who carried the film from start to finish. Review
This one isn’t exactly abhorrent, but under more capable hands, this movie could’ve been more intriguing and suspenseful. As it is, Uncharted is a serviceable crowd pleaser, that is the kind of crowd who don’t expect much from a piece of entertainment... Review
It’s cute and funny for the most part, but I Want You Back doesn’t transcend the genre nor offer anything new to make it stand out from the pack. Review
Despite its common tropes and predictability, the two leads still make this a worthwhile watch for Valentine’s weekend. Review
The lavish costumes and beautiful set pieces are nice to look at, but all the razzle dazzle can’t conceal a slapdash direction, a far cry from Branagh’s marvelous work of his personal drama Belfast. Review
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