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Aantal filmrecensies: 622 / 622
For those who have the patience, I think there are quite a few gems to appreciate here, and the fascinating historical significance also compels me to read more about Sutton Hoo excavation. Recensie
I’d say it’s a pretty restrained direction that works well for the story. There are slow moments in the movie, but it never felt tedious, which is a testament to the solid script Greengrass co-wrote with Luke Davies. Recensie
What a brilliant title too, a soulful film both thematically and in terms of the music genre. I’m glad Pixar once again comes up with a fresh concept. This one is perhaps most similar to Inside Out which also gives an imaginative insight into humanity in the most delightful way. Recensie
I always appreciate seeing a film about love, especially a character-driven one that’s poignant and heartfelt. Recensie
I still like the character and Gal Gadot’s performance as Diana though, so I’m hoping this is just a singular misstep and we’d see the character rising to greatness again in its inevitable third installment. Recensie
Marie Curie’s story of bravery, intellect and resilience certainly deserve cinematic treatment and Pike portrays her beautifully. Despite its flaws, I’d still regard this film as a remarkable and heartfelt tribute to a singular heroine and her scientific legacy. Recensie
It’s a compelling and emotional drama that would definitely spark interesting conversations with people after you watch it. Recensie
I admire Durkin’s talent as a filmmaker even though I’m not overly fond of the film. As I mentioned above, there’s a sense of dread throughout, so this one isn’t exactly a pleasant film to watch. Recensie
His story certainly deserves to be told and this film is one of the most chilling but effective political thriller that’ll stay with you long after its opening credits. Recensie
The witty script by Jack Thorne and Bradbeer’s energetic direction sure makes for a delightful adaptation. I don’t even mind seeing more of Enola Holmes’ adventures! Recensie
The Social Dilemma might seem hyperbolic at times, and I feel that is on purpose for a cautionary tale such as this one. Recensie
Considering how confusing the movie is, the 150-minute running time actually doesn’t feel tedious or overlong. I only wish Nolan gave us a bit more for the heart as he did for the head. Recensie
The vibrant direction, dynamic performances, gorgeous cinematography, costumes, production design and general atmosphere of the film creates an immersive quality. Recensie
For a film about one of earth’s brightest minds, I think a film about him that fails to illuminate the man behind the inventions is a missed opportunity. Recensie
I think given the inherently poignant story, it could’ve been more meaty and heart-wrenching instead of a frothy movie with a few overly melodramatic moments peppered in. That said, I still think this is a pretty decent debut from D’Arcy. Recensie
At the heart of it is an engaging story, and an inspiring message against bigotry and racial supremacy that is more timely than ever. Recensie
I think I’d have liked it a lot more if the movie hadn’t been so predictable. Recensie
It’s got a heart as big as the big action pieces, and I’m sure glad to see a group of bad-ass superheroes with such a diverse cast. Recensie
I do enjoy British’s sarcastic humor and there’s plenty of that in this, but what’s different this time is there is a sad incident that gives the film a poignant layer. Recensie
Deerskin is certainly a weird movie, but reading about some of Dupieux’s previous work, this one seems to be the most accessible. Recensie
It’s definitely an intriguing documentary for film fans, especially if you’re a fan of her work. Recensie
I enjoyed this adaptation, but Emma always feels a bit too frivolous for me. Recensie
But it’s truly unfortunate that this movie is as bad as it is given all the elements–story, setting, cast–seemingly in place... Recensie
I don’t know that he’ll win new fans to his cinematic flair, but for those who enjoy his style, I’d say it’s was pretty darn entertaining. Recensie
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