Dit zijn alle films en series die William heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FilmSnobReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1095 / 1095
Bring the tissue. There’s some high emotions going on in this. Touching on the subjects it discusses make it so important to not only the world we live in now but to the entire experience of being a human. Recensie
A STUNNING documentary. One that looks inside itself and utilizes all its footage for the betterment of its subject. Recensie
Passable in the most barebones of ways. You’re either going to find the film mediocre or bad depending on the extent to which you tolerate Moore and Wolfhard. Recensie
Miranda July’s voice is the perfect fit for what Sara Dosa does here. Hers is a calming presence as she presents a tale of two lovers wrapped in magma with all the attitude to spare. Recensie
Dale Dickey is absolutely incredible. Her subtle and gentle performance balances perfectly with the western tableau the film is set in. Recensie
Grabbing tons of attention at Cannes I found myself drowning in the atmosphere the cinemtography creates. Recensie
This is a good but not truly great display from Dumont. Léa Sedoux is the whole reason to watch this film. She’s subtle and really works the deep corners of this complex character. Recensie
Gorgeous to look at and as existential stocked as you’d like. This is a good sequel that is sure to reignite the passion for this franchise. Recensie
I like this film. I really feel like the third act lets this one down. and drives the grade down. Sylvie Mix is awesome and she’s the reason to watch this one. Most will find the deliberateness “boring” but I never found my mind wandering. Recensie
I found this a complete disappointment. There’s so much potential here with this project but it all got squandered. Recensie
The forest that’s through these trees is exceptional. Check out our discussion on Perfect Blue and watch Kon’s films. Recensie
A bit disappointing to say the least. This is certainly an instance of Anderson becoming over indulgent. Recensie
This film is the best of what superhero films can be. Navigating perfectly the pathos of not just Spider-Man as a character but that of Peter Parker. Recensie
One of the most enjoyable pieces I’ve seen in all of 2021. With it’s aesthetic and feeling planted firmly in the culture of the country the film takes place in, this is a great animated film that will surely push for the Oscar... Recensie
A worthwhile watch for those that are fans of Chaplin. Recensie
If the tunes were catchy and great on their own this would’ve been a cinematic failure. Recensie
This is a stirring, gorgeous-looking film. It’s led by an absolute career piece of work by its principals. Recensie
Garfield is a powerhouse who uppercuts us with a knockout performance won’t soon be forgotten. Recensie
A stunning and beautiful piece. One that is made so well the simplicity of the story is countered by the technical mastery. Recensie
A showstopping turn from Cage and a marvelous debut from a young director carry what some will find a manipulative and head-scratching third act through to the end... Recensie
A pointless, fruitless, and ultimately useless feature. It wastes an unstated performance by Agathe Rouselle. A performance let down by a nonsensical script. Recensie
There really is nothing like this film in this contention this year. Perhaps the most simple approach it’s one that works swimmingly. Recensie
This feels utterly bogged down, slowed down, and much longer than its 107 minutes runtime. Recensie
This film strips away everything that is the character of Michael Myers. Recensie
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