Dit zijn alle films en series die The Massie Twins heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Gone With The Twins.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1326 / 1326
With the main premise existing between other storylines, while the conclusion closes with additional loose ends and teaser snippets for upcoming movies, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness resembles the Fantastic Beasts series, serving as a mere middle piece that only marginally pushes the larger picture forward. Recensie
This is the kind of sci-fi tale in want of dependable components of exploitation, especially with a story and direction by Stuart Gordon. Recensie
The finale returns to horror genre tropes, but the overall result is still unexpectedly entertaining. Recensie
Unfortunately, it’s mostly comprised of little jokes as opposed to big gags, marking a pleasant but modest comedy; it’s never uproarious enough to be unforgettable. Still, the ending – though anticipated – is satisfying. Recensie
With all the hysterical nods to the actor’s previous works, as well as through embracing his perceived quirkiness, it’s difficult not to recommend this flick to anyone who has followed the star’s career... Recensie
The damsel encounters distress and the hero must stage an epic rescue, generating an exciting climax and cementing Weissmuller’s place as the original and most beloved of the onscreen Tarzan iterations. Recensie
By the end, The Egyptian does muster the epic vibe it sought to obtain, even if it fails to match the grandness of The Robe, which it so clearly borrows from – and from which it cannot escape comparisons. Recensie
At least there’s a vein of humor running throughout much of the picture, which helps the general quiescence feel moderately less tedious. But it’s still evident that virtually everything that takes place in this middle chapter is trivial, with a forced, spontaneous creation of tiny predicaments and tiny solutions, since real substance and conclusions are presumably set aside for the final film. Recensie
It may possess an admirable message and decent performances, but the pacing and plotting regularly teeter on tedium. Recensie
There’s mild satisfaction to be found in some of the destructive confrontations, but plenty of dawdling and bewildering returns to bizarre ceremonies foster a dullness that surely won’t align with mainstream audiences’ expectations for thrilling Viking exploits. Recensie
By the end, it’s laughable how hard the filmmakers try to make Ambulance suspenseful or edgy or unexpected; as the picture rambles along, refusing to end the exhaustingly protracted chase, it keeps growing more inane and less convincing. Recensie
There are still a few surprises that have the potency to remain memorable, but, ultimately, when devious, dishonest people use one another for two hours, the end result is rarely satisfying. Recensie
As trippy as it is, it’s also incredibly sweet, examining choices, paths, temptations, and possibilities with a deft tenderness; it’s as much of a love story (alternating even between motherly love, sisterly love, spousal romance, and off-the-wall sexuality) as it is a sci-fi opus of the grotesque. Recensie
The pacing of this third film is excellent. It wastes no time in not only founding a simple yet amusing premise, but also in transitioning from one action scene to the next. Recensie
By the end, this watered-down romantic comedy is just as forgettable as Jungle Cruise, Red Notice, and Uncharted, all recent actioners coincidentally boasting their own jungle-bound treasure hunts with diluted love stories and insipid antagonists. Recensie
Fortunately, however, Rylance is an exceptional lead, managing a natural sympathy in his feigned harmlessness, while the use of a single set and very few personas creates the feel of an intimate stage play, aiding the character development and the suspense of erratic violence. Recensie
This kind of dialogue-heavy, action-less ordeal full of despicable personas entangling themselves in criminal endeavors won’t appeal to everyone, but it’s an excellent occasion for Davis to show her chops as a villain. Recensie
Kaye’s comic timing proves to be at its very best here, rotating identities through an outrageous hypnosis routine, juggling covert missions that seem impossible to sort out, and accidentally accomplishing assassinative feats. Recensie
At least there’s moderately effective humor and an amusingly chaotic monster-movie finale, while Pixar’s animation is top-notch as anticipated (the character designs leave much to be desired, however). Recensie
This just might be for diehard fans alone; less faithful viewers will surely wonder what has happened to all of the standard exhilaration and the general sense of fun. Recensie
By the end, however, some of the gags are genuinely entertaining, even if the majority of the picture is colossally inane; it may not inspire belly-laughs, but chuckles will come easily enough. Recensie
Pleasant, coming-of-age romance crops up, but by the end, it’s the dramatic interactions that remain most exceptional; the plot is thoroughly inspirational, exceptionally sweet, and regularly emotional, even if it sticks to a rather predictable formula. Recensie
There is a hint of an arc, however, steadily (and sometimes excruciatingly) progressing to a place at which both distressed souls can finally feel like winners – but it doesn’t quite work out. Recensie
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